‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"you should eat meat"

I went to Lynni's room and softly knocked on the door. When she opened it, I noticed she unpacked a few things.

"Ready?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yep." She lightly smiled and followed me down the hall. It was silent, and I didn't like that.

"So, how'd you sleep?" I abruptly inquired, to make conversation.

"It was okay." She sighed, staring at the floor as we made our way.

We sat at the dining table, where our food was already prepared and waiting. Nathan was sitting there with an irritated expression, he and I kind of got into it last night. It was funny, we went to the basement and put on our boxing gloves. Something everyone does to settle our differences.

"What happened to your face?" Lynni gasped, starring at the nice bruise on Nathan's cheek. I chuckled, and almost busted in complete laughter when Kristen and Bailey entered.

"You should eat some meat." Bailey commented, pulling Kristen's chair out for her.

"I don't eat meat." Lynni whispered, and the room got silent.

"Actually I was talking to Lucas, he's been feeling weak and we all know that those vitamin supplements aren't doing anything for him anymore. He's got to keep upping his dosage." Bailey put me on blast, of which pissed me off but oh well, Lynni wants a story.

"You're a vegetarian?" She was amazed, and a small smile appeared.

"Yeah." I shrugged, and used my fork to poke my eggs.

"He's always been a veggie, for lord knows how long now." Kristen poked fun and took a big dramatic bite of her Bacon.

"It's a life choice." I chuckled.

"A deadly one, with our blood especially." Nathan commented, causing me to lift my attention to him and glare.

"That's one thing that wont be in the media." I spat causing Lynni to furrow her brows.

"What do you mean, your blood?" She ignored my comment and drew her attention to Nathaniel.

"If you want her to be your lover, you might want to fill her in." Nathan slyly told me.

"Shut up." I growled, my grip on the fork tightening.

"I don't like how much you guys fight, you used to be close." Bailey whispered, when Stephen entered.

"What the hell is he doing here?" I hissed with a glare.

"There's something going on." Stephen ignored me and turned his attention to Bailey.

"What do you mean?" Bailey asked, wiping his mouth and sat the napkin down.

"It's only for you... they don't need to know." Stephen retorted then walked out, Bailey rolled his eyes and looked at us.

"Excuse me." He got up and then pushed his chair in. "I'll be back."

"What up? Any Bacon..eww it's cooked?" Lenard entered the room then looked at Lynni. "When did she get here?"

"She's been here." Nathan laughed.

"Where have you been?" I joined.

"Out, on personal issues." Lenard sent us 'the look' and we both nodded.

"Well there's red meat in the fridge. Have that later." Nathan informed and Lenard nodded taking a seat. Lynni sat there with her eyebrows furrowed.

"You guys eat uncooked meat? Isn't that bad for you?" She asked, trying to understand. It really showed, facial expression wise, that she was confused.

"Not bad for us." Nathan mused, purposely getting on my bad side.

"What does that even mean?!" She groaned, obviously stressed about not knowing.

"You have issues on you have to know everything huh?" Lenard pointed out, taking a bite of his roll.

"Duh, she's a reporter for a reason." Kristen rolled her eyes and turned to Lynni. "You wont find anything out until much later in being in their lives, but seeing as you're only here for a story, don't worry about it. It's not your story."

"Damn, Kris. Harsh much?" Lenard laughed.

"Must be her time of month." I mumbled and Kristen glared.

"Not even!" She screamed and stood. "Fuck you all!"

"No thanks, Bailey already taps that." Lenard mused, she rolled her eyes and whacked him from behind the head while leaving the room.

"She loves us, no worries." Nathan explained to Lynni and then glanced at me.

"What?" I spoke with my mouth full.

"Nothing." He grinned.

"What?" I re-asked and narrowed my eyes.

"Nothing." He laughed, causing Lenard to bust up in laughter.

"Fuck you." I groaned and turned my attention to Lynni. "What do you want to do today? We have band practice soon."

"Can I take pictures?" She smiled and I shrugged.

"Sure." I returned her smile and drank some orange juice.

Lynni's POV:

After breakfast; I grabbed my camera and rushed to meet Luke so we could walk to the band practice room.

"Where's Bailey?" Denny groaned.

"Who knows." Lucas shrugged, tuning his guitar and testing the mic.

"It's hard to have practice without him." Nathan commented and Luke shrugged again.

"Stephen's bitch ass pulled him off to the side." Luke informed and Nathan nodded.

"Yeah, wonder what that's about." Nate commented then turned his attention back to his instrument.

"Maybe something happened with Jack?" Andrew proposed and everyone took a moment to think about it.

"If only." Luke coldly laughed and they joined. I had no idea what was even going on, or who the people they were talking about were. I just quickly snapped a few pictures and looked at them after wards.

"Cant have a story without the evidence of it being true, huh?" Denis questioned, he seemed angry.

"Yeah." I quietly murmured while taking a seat.

"Why would you even invite her here?" Denis continued, this time turning his attention to Luke.

"I like her, okay? Plus, not many people know about me, so I mas well." Lucas stood up for me and sent me a reassuring smile.

"Yeah so butt out." Nathan spat.

"Don't get me started, Nathaniel." Denis warned causing Nathan to laugh.

"Bring it, bitch!" Nathan retorted causing Lenard to howl with laughter again.

"You guys are so dumb!" He squealed, until they grabbed him. Then he screamed and tried getting out of their grip as they took him out of the room.

"Where are they taking him?" I gulped.

"To the pool probably." Luke replied, and now it was just us.

"Cool." I replied, I bet they'd do that to me if Luke allowed them too. I brushed the thought aside and took some pics of just him.

"Can we take one together?" He proposed, and I shrugged.

"Sure." I weakly smiled and stood next to him. He wrapped his arm around me and I rose the camera up, snapping a few. He kissed my cheek causing me to smile, but then I quickly replaced that with a serious expression. "So, when is this all getting started?"

"Whenever they get back and Bailey comes back." He sighed, going back to his instrument. "I'll be back actually, I'm going to go check on Bailes."

"OK." I nodded a little too enthusiastically and took a seat on the couch.

"Don't touch anything." Lucas seriously ordered before leaving the room. Why did he have to be an ass sometimes?
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Sorry such slow updates... -_- lameness... thanks for the comments though <3