‹ Prequel: Never Forget...
Sequel: Absolute Control.

My Secret...

"She has the right to know."

Lynni's POV;

Why did Lucas have to scare me like that? I sat in the closet for a long time after he left, and just let my mind wander. I slowly opened the door, and wiped my tears. When I glanced up, I seen Lucas just standing there, waiting. I knew he left the room, did he come back?

"Lynni." He started but I put my hand up.

"Don't." I whispered, and slowly got up. Closing the door behind me and shifted my attention to him. "I have never been so scared in my life."

"I know." He sighed, hanging his head low in shame. "But, if anything, this is prepping you."

"Prepping me?!" I shrieked, with bewilderment.

"You want to become a reporter, this shit happens to many reporter's." He pointed out with a weak smile, as if that would fix everything.

"You're so disgusting." I growled, and I could've sworn I heard him gasp. I didn't even want to look at him, he just stood there with a straight expression and his eyes glossed over. Was he going to cry?

"Okay." He mumbled as I headed towards the door, I put my hand on the handle and glanced back at him. He was staring at his hands for some reason, if only I knew what was going on in his mind. But instead, I just shook off the thought and left.

Lucas' POV;

I came back to the room, I didn't want to leave things the way it was. Slowly the door opened, as I stood there waiting for what felt like forever. She wiped her tears, which crushed me, and glanced up. Her facial expression froze, which hurt me even more.

"Lynni." I started but she put her hand up cutting me off, I snapped my mouth shut and just stared.

"Don't." She whispered, and slowly got up. Closing the door behind her then shifted her attention to me. "I have never been so scared in my life."

"I know." I sighed, letting my head fall, and my gaze fell to my feet. Then I thought of how to make the situation a little better and blurred out- "But, if anything, this is prepping you."

"Prepping me?!" She shrieked, with bewilderment. Causing me to flinch and tightly close my eyes, wrong move.

"You want to become a reporter, this shit happens to many reporter's." I continued with a weak smile, hoping it would fix everything but she wasn't having it. I could just tell by the way she exhaled.

"You're so disgusting." She growled, and I stupidly let out a gasp in disbelief, no one has ever talked to me that way before. She wouldn't even want to look at me, so I just stood there with a straight expression and felt the burning sensation in my eyes. I wanted to hurt her, but instead I replaced it with a pained feeling. I took in a deep breath and did my best to shove the misery aside.

"Okay." I mumbled watching her head towards the door, she put her hand on the handle and glanced back at me, painfully. I just stared at my hands, afraid to say another word, afraid to look at her and either she hate me more or I snap into my fucked up blood's way and beat her for my own satisfaction. Then she left...

I went to my room, closed the door, locked it and turned my television on. She slowly entered it and threw around stuff, she was so pissed off. I just watched with a pained expression as she let out a loud scream. I furrowed my brows when there was a knock at the door, when she opened it there Nathan stood.

"What's wrong?" He asked her, taking another step in the room and closed the door.

"I hate him." She growled, which caused more pain in my heart.

"What happened?" Nathan pressed, with a bewildered expression.

"He hurt me, he shoved me against the wall, he broke my camera, he went over board, the look in his eyes... they were so... demonic." She cried out, falling to the floor. Nathan bent down and wrapped his arms around her, immediately causing jealousy to flow through my blood.

"Lynni, there's something you should know about us." Nathan started and at that, I had to interrupt. I quickly got up and ran out of the room, I kicked the door open and shoved Nathan.

"Dont tell her!" I screamed, partly afraid it would scare her off.

"Tell me what?!" She yelled back.

"It doesn't matter." I told her and turned my attention to Nate. "If you get close to her, and I found out you told her."

"She has a right to know if you're going to treat her like shit." Nathan spat, causing me to cock my arm back and thrust my fist in his face. Of which, knocked him back.

"Quit it!" She screamed and jumped in front of me as I was about to throw another punch, it connected with her face and plain out knocked her out.

"Look what you did!" Nathan gasped, quickly catching her before she fell back.

"I didn't... I didn't mean too!" I cried out and Nathan rolled his eyes. "Oh like you can talk! I know what you do to your girl friend!"

"That's my business, she isn't a reporter." Nathan growled.

"Instead she's a slave." I pointed out, which pissed him off.

"Don't meddle in my business, whatever happens here, she's going to tell everyone!" Nathan snarled, gesturing to Lynni in his arms.

"My fucking bad." I sighed. "It's my business though, I don't get into your business."

"When it comes to her exposing this family... It's our business." Nathan spat, and laid her down. Glared at me, next thing I knew his fist collided with my nose, then he left the room.

Lynni's POV;

I went back to the room, and let everything out. I grabbed the lamp and threw it, I grabbed the pillows off the bed and tossed them around. I let out the most relieving scream, and then there was a knock on the door. Nathan opened it and slowly came in.

"What's wrong?" He asked, taking another step in the room and closed the door.

"I hate him." I growled, as tears formed in my eyes.

"What happened?" Nathan pressed, with a bewildered expression.

"He hurt me, he shoved me against the wall, he broke my camera, he went over board, the look in his eyes... they were so... demonic." I cried out, falling to the floor. Nathan bent down and wrapped his arms around me, which as comforting, why couldn't Lucas be like this?

"Lynni, there's something you should know about us." Nathan started and I waited when the door opened and Lucas came in. I glared at him with such hatred, that it even hurt me to hate him so much.

"Dont tell her!" Hescreamed, with an unreadable expression in his eyes.

"Tell me what?!" I yelled back, I'm tired of all the secrets.

"It doesn't matter." He told me and turned his attention to Nate. "If you get close to her, and I found out you told her."

"She has a right to know if you're going to treat her like shit." Nathan spat, next thing I know Lucas pulled his arm back and punched Nathan in the face. Of which, knocked him back.

"Quit it!" I screamed and jumped in front of Lucas, Nathan didnt deserve all this bullshit. Next thing I know, I felt a hard pain on my face and in that instant I blacked out... Did he really just punch me?
♠ ♠ ♠
:) what do you guys think? Should I start writting it like this where you get both point of views? Does it let more insight? :) Lemme know and thank you for reading... <3