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not everything is perfect

Bleh! new kid SHUT UP!

As I walked into school the next morning I ran to my locker. When I got there I saw nobody standing there.
*Thank the baby jesus!* I thought because usually every morning there was always somebody there to hurt and crap. I got my books out of my locker and walked to my first class of the day which was art. When I walked through the door I went to my seat in the back. The teacher looked up at me and smiled and I smiled back. When the bell rang everybody started pouring into class and taking there seats.
"Ok class. Today we have a new victi...I mean student" She said while trying not to say victim. Everybody laughed at her mistake because she knew what happend in this school with the fights, drugs, and just people being to bitches to other people *cough*me*cough*
I looked at the door and saw a guy who I guessed was the new kid. He walked into the class room and I looked at what he was wearing. He was wearing a Bullet for My Valentine t-shirt, Black and red tripp pants, Black converse, emo styled hair which was and saw that he had snakebites and an eyebrow piercing.
"Ok tell everybody your name new student" Mrs. Brown said. She always didnt want new kids here because of all the problems. He stood infront of everybody and just looked at his feet.
"Umm My name is Damien Valetine and I'm....I don't know what else to say" He said while looking at the Mrs. Brown with a look on his face as if saying 'what do I do now?'. Mrs. Brown pointed to the empty seat next to me. I heard footsteps coming torwards the seat and when I look up Damien is sitting next to me.
"Ok class" Mrs. Brown said "today is free draw day because it is Friday so draw what ever you want" and after she said that everybody started drawing because they all knew what they were going to draw. I start drawing a rose when I heard some whispers from a group of girls infront me. All that I could hear was that they were talking about the 2 freaks sitting next to eachother and that we were going to make freaky loner goth babies. Seriously? Freaky loner goth babies? How low can they get. I continued drawing when I heard something that I would never had from somebody.
"Hey umm My name is Damien. Whats yours?" I heard him ask.
I looked at him and smiled then got out a piece of paper and wrote "Hey my name is Raven". Ok so yea I'm a mute person but i still talk just not in voice but on paper. When I passed it to him he quickly read it.
"Why don't you talk? Like I know I'm new and all but I heard that there was a girl named Raven here and that she is mute, so umm yea. You don't have to tell me I mean.." But before he could finish I put my hand over his mouth while looking at him with a look saying "shut up".
He got the picture and stopped talking and I took my hand from his mouth. For the rest of the period he was quiet and i just kept drawing random pictures around the rose.
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ok so the rose the Raven was drawing isright here if you want look at it. PLZ COMMENT!!! comments are is the only way for more story