Status: Fin <3


There's nothing like tomorrow.

iZACK! radiant revulsion says:
so ill talk 2 u 2moz Frances?

xxFrank33xx caustic desire says:
yeh if I can cum ova

iZACK! radiant revulsion says:
kk den night :)

xxFrank33xx caustic desire says:
night zacky :D

iZACK! radiant revulsion has signed out.
xxFrankeexx caustic desire has signed out.

I turn off the computer and go to bed wondering what it would be like to live her life and go to a school of all girls.



An alarm goes off and my eyes open to show an unfamiliar room. I look for the source of the alarm and find that it’s a phone. I switch off the alarm and look at the room I'm in. There are posters on the walls, signs and pictures of a girl with various others and on the glass dresser a picture of me and my friend Francesca. Then I realise that I have boobs… I'm wearing a black bra and… panties? I get up and walk to the mirror in the corner, there are belts hanging over the top and Frances's favourite jacket.


My reflection stares back at me. Only it isn't the blue eyed boy I normally see it’s a 14 year old green eyed girl, Francesca's reflection.

"Frankee you up?" Someone calls from outside the door, probably her dad.

"Yeah I am," I reply not surprisingly with Frances's voice.

"Have you got clothes for today sis?" Her sister Anna walks into the room without knocking.

"No don't we have to wear our uniforms?" I ask her trying to act like Frances.

"Nope, free dress loser, get ready we leave in 10," She tells me.

"Ok now out so I can get changed," I push her out then close the door quickly. As I return to the mirror the phone on the table rings. "Hello?" I pick it up.

"Hey Chizz when you gonna be here?" BJayz asks, at least the caller ID said it’s BJayz.

"Umm were leaving in 10," I tell her. "What should I wear?"

"You picked it out and stuck it on your chair last night, that and your black belt and jacket," BJayz tells me.

"Oh yeah, well I better get dressed," I hang up then look at the chair. Sitting on it are a pair of black jeans, a top with the blink182 symbol and red converse. I sigh, dump it all on the bed then start opening draws looking for clean underwear, I find some then take off the things I have on.


I stop what I'm doing when I remember this is Frances's body. I look into the mirror. She's skinny, not the bad skinny, the one with a little meat, pale but not too pale, kind of curvy cause of her boobs which are huge and her nicely sized hips. I turn to the side a little to check out the rest of her and notice the banner on her lower back. It’s empty as if she's still got to get it finished, but so far it looks great. She's cool, sexy and blonde. The way she's always been. I notice the belly piercing as I decide to stop perving. It has a little I on the bottom, I for what?


I rub my eyes to distract myself and get dressed. Then I straighten Frances's hair noticing the different layers, her hair is bleached blonder than her natural colour blonde, the streaks in her bottom layer are hot pink, the middle layer is streaked bright blue and purple streaks are in the top layer and in her side fringe. After I finish straightening her hair I apply the black eyeliner, looks like the summer she taught me when we still lived in the same state has payed off. I grab the bag from the end of her bed and check the books, according to the highlighted time table they are all the right ones, so I leave her room and go downstairs to the kitchen. I make her favourite sandwich and put it in her bag then sit on the couch and eat a piece of toast. I finish it, brush my/her teeth then find her dad.


”Are we leaving now?” I ask shyly trying not to give myself away.

“Yeah, come on Chuckles,” He smiles and puts an arm around me.

“Where are Anna and Archer?” I ask about Francesca’s younger brother and sister.

“They’ll be coming. Are you going to catch the bus over to the hotel Izack’s staying at or do you want me to drive you?” Frances’s dad asks me as we walk out to the car, obviously he hasn’t clued on that it’s me in Frances’s body.

“Umm I reckon I’ll bus it, I’ll be ok,” I smile.

“Have you got your keys?” Her dad asks.

“Umm…” I fish around in my jacket pocket and pull out a set of keys, “Yep.”

“Good here’s money for the bus too. Now hop in before we end up late,” Her dad smiles an hands me $50 before getting in the car and driving me and Frances’s sister Anna to the high school and dropping us off before taking her little brother Archer to the primary school.


”Hey Chizz, where are you going?” A hot pink haired girl asks as I walk in the front gates of the school.

“I dunno,” I say deciding that this is Blythe Jasmine Hughes, Francesca’s best friend.

“Well let’s go get Alysha, Ereka, Flo and Dylan,” BJayz drags me off to the oval and we stop in front of four girls.


”Hey bub,” The skinny extremely blonde one with red and black soft streaks says.

“Hey Alysha,” I smile remembering that this is Alysha Green who I’d met a couple of times before.

“Morning Franny,” Ereka Smith hugs me… she’s the tallest with the darkest hair.

“Morning Ricky,” I use the nickname Frances does.

“Frankee!” The red head, Dylan Wallace hugs me.

“Dylan!” I kiss her cheek back.

“Allo love,” The last one, Flo Henries who looks like she’s Frances’s twin sister grins.

“Mornin’ Gov’nor,” I grin back, hoping I seem like Frances.
♠ ♠ ♠
So this turned out longer than I thought it would... I got no idea why Izack and Francesca change bodies... I think it has something to do with watching Freaky Friday the night I started writing this. Besides this is my first story I've posted on here in ages...

I know I'm not meant to use chat speak but they're actually talking on msn to start... so I'm really sorry if I'm still not allowed and if you want I will go change it....