Status: Fin <3


Maybe I should've worried about it a little more than I did

12 weeks later and its December 10th 2007, Alysha and I are ting in our seats in English and the look in her eyes is beginning to frighten me.

“You lied to me?” She commands an answer.

“I didn’t think it would matter, I thought it would come,” I defend.

“Well obviously it hasn’t Francesca!” Alysha shouts at me.

“I’m sorry,” I try to defend myself.

“Did you take a fucking test?” Alysha asks furious now.

“Not yet,” I stammer as I begin to cry.

“Yeah that’s smart,” Alysha growls, “You know what you’re doing after school don’t you?”

“Yes,” I sob and cry into my arms as I cover my head on my desk.

“Take her outside Alysha,” Mrs Pearson our English teacher tells her.

“Yes Miss,” Alysha instantly softens when she realises that I’m crying, “Come on Frankee,” She picks me up off the desk and leads me outside. She sits me on a table and I look at her.


“I’m pregnant aren’t I?” I begin sobbing again as Alysha hugs me closely.

“We don’t know that’s for sure Frankee,” She whispers as she rocks me back and forth.

“Aly? Frankee? What are you doing out here?” Blythe asks as she walks out of the toilet block,” Aly what happened to Chizz? Why is she crying like that?”

“She might be pregnant,” Alysha tells Blythe and I look at her shyly.

“Aww baby come here. Why didn’t you say something this morning?” Blythe sits on the other side of my and both of them hug me.

“I did, well sort of,” I sniff and wipe my face on my shirt.

“Frankee, darling how am I meant to know that when you ask if I’ll still be your friend if you get really fat is your way of telling me that you’re pregnant?” Blythe softly laughs.

“I don’t know, I was hoping you’d guess like Aly did,” I whisper, “It is stupid isn’t it?”

“A little bit yeah,” Alysha smiles.

“Now let’s get you cleaned up, then when the bell goes we can go get a few tests,” Blythe picks me up and they lead me to the toilet block.

“Is it last period?” I ask.

“Monday English is always last period hun,” Alysha giggles as she cleans up my eyeliner and Blythe fixes my hair.

“Oh yeah,” I grin and sigh, “What are we going to do?”

“Not sure darling,” Alysha kisses my cheek and we say good-bye to Blythe and walk into class.


“So whose place are we going to?” I ask softly as Alysha, Blythe, Flo, Ereka and I walk out of the chemist.

“I think mine is the closest,” Flo tells us and we begin walking down to her house.

“Frankee baby are you okay?” Alysha puts her arm around my shoulder as we walk.

“I already know I am Aly,” I whisper.

“How?” Alysha asks.

“I’ve gained weight, boobs are getting a little bigger and my stomach isn’t as flat as it was,” I tell her placing a hand on my tummy.

“Maybe you’re growing?” Alysha suggests as we walk into Flo’s house.

“I hope you gotta pee kid because there’s 5 tests you have to do,” Flo hands me the boxes and I try to smile as I drink the last of my two litre bottle of water.

“I’ll be back,” I whisper and lock the door.
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Okay well this is the begining of the actual story none of the whole set up stuff i'm pretty sure you know what's going to happen but meh..