Status: Fin <3


The Abortion Clinic & Resort to Plan B

We show up at the clinic and Izack, Brent and I walk in. We walk up to the counter and the chick looks at us.

“Can I help you?” She asks.

“My sister needs an abortion,” Brent tells the woman, pretending that I’m his sister.

“Does she have an appointment?” The woman asks.

“No she doesn’t, do we need to make one?” Brent asks.

“No, the doctor will be able to fit you in next,” The nurse tells him, “I need your name though.”

“Oh its, Tarlee Young,” Brent uses Izack’s old nickname for me and Tyson’s last name.

“Okay well you go take a seat,” She takes my fake name down and we sit together on the seats. We sit together in a heavy thoughtful silence for 15 minutes until the doctor walks in and calls out my fake name. I squeeze Izack’s hand and walk away with the doctor. With every step I begin to doubt what I’m doing. The doctor takes me into an office and sits me on an examination table.

“Now Tarlee, my name is Doctor Scotts. If you could tell me your age, date of birth and how many weeks pregnant you think you are,” Doctor Scotts says as he sits at a computer.

“Umm I’m 16, born 27th July 1990 and my doctor told me that I’m 14 weeks pregnant,” I tell him quietly, I lie about my age because it’s illegal to have sex at 14.

“Well, we can give you an abortion, you’re not too far along for that,” Doctor Scotts tells me, “I don’t have to tell you the procedure but if you would like me to I will,” He tells me. I nod and as he explains what they’re going to do I begin to cry. He hands me a tissue and asks if I’m okay. I tell him yes and he tells me that no one is making me have this abortion and that if I don’t want it I don’t have to have it. I look at him with tear filled eyes.

“My parents will kill me,” I whisper.

“When you explain it to them they ill understand believe it or not they will understand,” He tells me.

“I can’t do it, I can’t have the abortion. I don’t want to kill my baby,” I decide out loud.

“That’s perfectly okay Tarlee,” Dr Scotts escorts me back outside to the waiting room, “I prefer it when my clients don’t terminate,” He smiles kindly and I thank him then run into Izack’s arms.

“I couldn’t do it, can we keep the baby?” I ask him.

“Yes,” He croaks and that’s when I notice the tears in his eyes, “I love you,” He kisses me and I look at him.

“You didn’t want me to have it?” I ask.

“No, but I didn’t want to stop you if it was what you really wanted,” Izack tells me, then picks me up bridal style, “Let’s go home,” He whispers against my neck and carries me to the car. Brent drives us all back to their place and we walk inside.


“Did you get it?” Hamish asks me as we walk in the door.

“No,” I tell him.

“Okay good,” He smiles and hugs me.

“What?” I ask him when he lets me go.

“Nothing, I just don’t believe in abortion,” Hamish admits and we all go sit in the living room.

“So what are we going to do?” Izack asks and everyone looks to me for an answer.

“Tell our parents?” I sigh.

“Now?” Izack asks.

“I guess we can tell your dad now,” I shrug my shoulders.

“Okay wait here,” Izack walks off and comes back with his dad. Izack’s mum had passed away a few years ago. The boys leave the room and its then only Izack, Brent, their dad and I.

“Umm dad,” Brent begins for us, “Izack and Frances have something they have to tell you,” He says from his seat on the other couch next to his dad.

“What’s wrong kids?” Izack’s dad Davis asks us.

“Dad, Frances is pregnant,” Izack tells his father while holding my hand.

“She’s what?” His dad asks taken aback.

“Frances is 14 weeks pregnant with my baby,” Izack tells him again.

“I thought that’s what you said, what are you going to do about it?” Davis asks.

“We’re planning on keeping it,” Izack tells him.

“Okay, anything you kids need I’ll give it to you,” Davis tells us taking it surprisingly well.

“Oh my God, thank-you Davis,” I jump up and hug him.

“Well I have to be nice, can you imagine what your parents are going to say?” Davis chuckles smiling.

“Yeah, we know,” I half smile.

“Come on darling you must be hungry,” Davis pats my knee and walks into the kitchen, “I’ll make you whatever you want,” He tells me.

“I’ve wanted Sauté Chicken all day…” I tell him shyly.

“Well I’ll be damned, Kathy wanted that every damn day she was cooking Izack,” Davis chuckles mentioning Izack’s mum Kathryn and begins making the chicken, “She had all four boys and hated chicken for everyone but Izack,” He grins.

“How are Travis and Charlie anyway?” I ask about Izack’s older two brothers.

“Trav is in Italy playing soccer and Charlie is in Perth with his girlfriend,” Davis tells me.

“Sounds cool,” I smile and touch my stomach.

“You don’t look pregnant Frances,” Davis tells me.

“I know, give me two more weeks and I’ll look huge. When my mum had the three of us it didn’t show until she was 16 weeks, then boy did it show,” I laugh, “It’s the same with both of Dad’s sisters.”

“Well at least you don’t look it now,” Davis smiles.

“Why?” I ask him as he paints the cooking chicken in sauté sauce.

“Because it will be the element of surprise, you tell them, they react like I did. Then when they finally realise what’s really happening that it isn’t a joke they’ll feel bad if they get angry. Besides, this is your little angel, you’re mistake and if you go about it right they won’t get too angry. Though please make sure our dad isn’t in reach of Izack when you tell him, Stuart will kill Zack if he gets his hands on him as soon as he finds out. Best tell him when Izack isn’t there then bring Izack over,” Davis tells us and serves the sauté chicken onto a plate. I look down at the 2 dozen large pieces of sauté chicken breast.

“I can’t eat all this,” I tell him.

“Well eat until you’re full and we’ll go from there, do you want a drink?” He asks me.

“Water please,” I tell him, cut a piece of chicken and put it in my mouth. I chew and swallow then announce, “ Oh my God Davis! This is the best sauté chicken ever!” I cut another piece and before I even notice 3 pieces of chicken breast and all of my water is gone. Davis smiles and fills my glass up while I eat the delicious food, “What you making?” I ask with my mouth full.

“Lemon sorbet,” He tells me and my eyes go wide.

“That’s my favourite,” I whisper and look down at my plate, only 2 pieces of chicken left.

“I know it is, that’s why I’m making it Miss Frances, now finish eating your chicken and you can have some of this,” He takes my plate as I take the last bit of chicken onto my fork. I swallow it and finish my third glass of water. Davis hands me a spoon, takes my fork and refills my glass.

“Thank-you Davis, you really shouldn’t have and it’s so delicious!” I praise him as I eat the large bowl of sorbet. I finish the bowl and he takes it away. I drain my water and thank him again.

“Have you had enough?” He asks concerned.

“Yes, that was beautiful, you really shouldn’t have,” I tell him again and give him a hug.

“Anything for you kiddo,” He smiles and I notice Izack, Brent, Hamish and Sam for the first time. The four of them are standing there with their mouths hanging open.

“What? Have I got something on my face?” I ask wiping my mouth and chin.

“That’s just it I can’t believe you ate all that!” Hamish says in shock.

“I can’t even eat all that,” Brent tells me, Sam and Izack nod in stunned agreement.

“Well if that’s how you’re going to b…” I stop and look at my phone, “Hmm, I have to take this,” I answer the phone.


“Hey Frankee,”

“Hey Aunty Emmalee, what you up to?”

“Well I’ve finished all my errands, so I was wondering what you’re up to,”

“I’m at Izack’s place, you can come get me if you want,”

“Umm, I’ll be there in a few minutes,”

“Okay see you then,”

“Yup,” She hangs up and I sigh.

“Aunty Emmalee will be here in a few minutes,” I tell them all.

“I just had an idea,” Izack smiles.

“What?” I ask.

“Tell you’re Aunty Emmalee that you’re pregnant, that way when you tell your parents she already knows. Besides she loves you heaps and she’s always kept your secrets for you,” Izack tells me.

“Yeah, and she absolutely loves you…” I stop talking when my stomach growls, “Wow.”

“I have more lemon sorbet in the freezer, come on we can plan in there,” Davis tells me and we all walk back into the kitchen.