Status: Fin <3


Aunty Emmalee gets in on the plan

5 minutes later and we have our plan. Davis gives me a large new bowl of lemon sorbet and looks at the plates, knives, forks, bowls, cups and spoon that I’ve used today. We can all tell that he really wants to wash it up. I look at him then at my lemon sorbet, I shrug and hook into the ice-cream. By now I’d normally be full to the seams seeing I’ve eaten 24 pieces of sauté chicken breast, a bowl of rice, a plate of stir-fry and I’m up to my 5th bowlful of lemon sorbet and that’s not even mentioning the 9 or so refills of my glass of water. I’m about a quarter of the way through my sorbet when there’s a knock on the door.

“I’ll get it,” Brent says loudly and winks at me. As he walks off I begin to feel a little guilty of using Aunty Emmalee as armour for when I tell mum and dad, but then again she did say she’d do what ever she needs to if I’m ever in need, “She’s in here,” Brent walks into the kitchen with my Uncle’s wife Emmalee.

“Hey Aunty Lee,” I say after I swallow a mouthful of sorbet.

“Hey Frankee, don’t think you’re gonna want lunch after you finish that bowl of sorbet,” She smiles and kissed my cheek.

“Yes I will!” I object horrified.

“I’m surprised you’ve even eaten everything you have, let alone that you still want lunch,” Izack scoffs.

“Oi leave the girl alone buster, I’m still not happy with you,” Davis feigns anger, “She hasn’t eaten that much today,”

“Dad, those are all her plates,” Izack points at the mammoth pile of dishes. I sit and watch them trying not to laugh as I eat my sorbet.

“You ate all that Frankee?” Aunty Emmalee asks shocked.

“Yeah…” I begin to say.

“It’s okay Emmalee, I’m pretty good at Asian cooking so I didn’t mind making it for her,” He informs my Aunty.

“You ate Asian food? I though you hate Asian food,” Aunty Emmalee looks at me puzzled.

“I’ve had this weird longing for it all day and Davis makes really good sauté chicken, I didn’t mean to eat all 24 pieces, then when he put the bowl of rice in front of me and when he put the stir-fry down after I finished the rice I couldn’t help it. Oh and when he brought out the lemon sorbet…it was beautiful. This is my 5th bowl already and I’m still hungry. It’s weird but I guess I can’t help it,” I sigh and look at my stomach, then I shrug and continue eating my sorbet.

“You…oh my God!” Aunty Emmalee gasps as she puts it all together. I’m glad the plan worked, “You’re pregnant?”

“Please don’t tell mum and dad, I need to wait for the right time to do it,” I look at her no longer acting.

“I won’t, fucking hell Francesca Natalee, what were you thinking?” She asks as it sinks in.

“We had protection, though it broke and I thought nothing of it. I found out on the 10th. I’m 14 weeks, I’ve already tried to get an abortion but I really don’t want to. I know I’m young but I can’t kill my own baby. You know it’s about half a ruler size according to the websites I’ve been on and that books I’ve read,” I tell her and start to cry, “You know that book I’m reading at the moment?”

“Yeah?” She asks.

“It’s a pregnancy book, Blythe bought for me. I just changed the dust covers over,” I admit and look at my Aunty with tears in my eyes and running down my face, “I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to do it Aunty Emmalee. It was an accident,” I sob and she hugs me while I’m still in my chair.

“I know baby, we’ll figure something out okay?” She whispers soothingly stroking my hair like my mum does to calm me down, “First we gotta figure out how to tell your parents. These three can help seeing they helped you plan how to tell me,” Aunty Emmalee lets me go. The shock on my ace causes her to laugh a little, “Darling do you really think I didn’t know? I know you so well sweetheart I can read you like a book, I’m just sad and upset that I didn’t read this earlier,” She tells me and places a hand on my lightly curved stomach.

“I didn’t realise til a few weeks ago,” I admit.

“You knew a few weeks ago?” Izack asks me.

“Yeah, I wasn’t about to tell you over the phone Zacky,” I tell him.

“Humph,” He grunts and crosses his arms over his chest.