Status: Fin <3


If you trust me that much then I must be awesome

After planning out how to tell my parents about their going to be grandparents before they turn 40, I hug Davis and Brent in thanks. They both assure me that they’ll be here for me when ever I need them. I smile then turn to Izack. As I look at him searching for the right words to describe my feelings of doubt, uneasiness, horror, hopelessness and love, he looks into my eyes. Before I can utter a single word he reads my feelings in my eyes and pulls me into a tight, loving and reassuring embrace.

“Frankee, I know you can do this, I know you can tell your parents, I know you’re strong enough to handle every obstacle this pregnancy puts in front of you be it mental, physical or verbal. I know you can do it. Most of all I know you’re going to be a wonderful mother to this child and I know it’s true because I know you. You’re a warm, kind, loving, generous and caring person. You are my most trusted and best friend and I love you dearly. I believe in you Frankee, I know you’re strong and stubborn enough to do this,” He whispers to me as we hug. I push him away and look deep into his eyes.

“Are you sure?” I ask with tears beginning to form in my eyes.

“I’m so sure I’ll bet a year’s pay on it. I’ll be with you for every step of this pregnancy and for the baby’s life. If I’m not there physically you have your phone, no matter what I’m doing I’ll answer if you call. I love you Francesca Natalee and I know I love our baby too,” He tells me then kisses my forehead.

“Okay, I trust you with my life Izack, if you think I can do it, then that’s good enough for me. I love you,” I tell him then hug him again, tears sliding from my closed eyes as we stand there our arms wrapped around the others body, afraid to let go.


Finally I let go and he wipes a tear from my face. We stand for a minute then share the same thought, that it’s time. I kiss Izack’s cheek and he lets go of my hand. I give him one last look and turn my back on him, knowing that if I dared to take another look, even just a stealing glance I wouldn’t be able to leave. Everyone else in the room senses it too and makes no sound. Aunty Emmalee and I walk to the car and I don’t look back until we’ve pulled out of the driveway. Izack is standing in his doorway and I give him a tiny wave. He returns it and flashes his million dollar smile.