Status: Fin <3


Food, Food, Food and more Food!

“You must be hungry Cherub,” Nanna tells me as her and Grandpa walk over to Uncle Alan’s with Mum and me.

“I am,” I say and my stomach growls loudly, “My stomach agrees.”

“So it does,” Grandpa chuckles. We all walk into the house and to the pool room. Nanna and Grandpa sit down on a couch and I wander off to the kitchen in search of food.

“Frankee, what do you want?” Aunty Emmalee asks looking into the fridge.

“I think a whole grain hand sandwich will do nicely Aunty Emmalee,” I smile as she pulls the leg of ham out of the fridge.

“Maybe I should just put this between two slices of bread,” Aunty Emmalee jokes and fixes me 4 sandwiches stuffed with ham, cheese, tomato, avocado, lettuce and mayonnaise.

“Oh my God! Thank-you Aunty Emmalee,” I grin when she hands me my plateful of sandwiches.

“Do you want some water?” She asks.

“Yes please,” I smile and she hands me a two litre bottle of water.

“I made it up with that lemon cordial you like so much. There is another two in the fridge for when you’ve drunken that one,” Aunty Emmalee tells me handing me the bottle. I thank her then walk down to the pool room and sit on the floor near the TV. I eat all my sandwiches and drink half of my 2litre bottle of cordial.


“You ate and drank all of that?” Grace asks astonished.

“This is after she ate 14 pieces of sauté chicken breast, a plateful of stir-fry, a bowl of rice, 7 bowls of lemon sorbet and a packet of Mint Slice biscuits at Izack’s house when I went to pick her up from there before,” Aunty Emmalee tells them, including the Mint Slice and lemon sorbet I had eaten when we were planning how to tell my mum and dad.

“Oh my God! You ate all that them had room for 4 sandwiches and a litre of cordial?” Grace asks astounded.

“Yup,” I smile and wipe my mouth.

“You’re going to eat us out of house and home,” Mum groans.

“What am I going to do?” Aunty Emmalee asks.

“I don’t know,” I try to look innocent.

“Personally with all she’s eating at only 14 weeks I think it’s a boy,” Nanna comments from her chair.

“I don’t think so, it sure doesn’t feel like a boy to me,” I whisper putting a hand on the top of the slight curve and a hand on the bottom, cradling my stomach.

“So now you’re the expert?” Dad asks me.

“How did you get out?” Archer asks him.

“I’m not going to Izack, I’m kind of happy I get to be a grandfather. I’ll love having a baby around. It’ll give me something to do,” Dad tells us.

“But you work 24/7,” I tell him.

“Fine, it’ll give me a reason to come home,” Dad rolls his eyes.

“Hmm, okay then,” I grumble and let Dad touch my stomach.

“Oh, you’re going to get so fat in the next two weeks. We need to get you some cocoa butter,” He tells me and takes his hand away.
“Why cocoa butter?” I ask him.

“Stops stretchmarks,” He tells me.

“Come on, may as well get it now,” Mum takes me and dad tried to follow, “You’re not coming, Emmalee, Chloe, Anna, Grace are you coming?” Mum asks. Aunty Chloe and Aunty Emmalee decline and so Mum, Grace, Anna and I all go into town in our hired 4 wheel drive.