Status: Fin <3


Merry Christmas Darling, this is us now

We sit on my bed and I pull the parcel from my suitcase. I hand it to Izack and smile when his eyes light up after seeing the contents. He slowly goes through it; a poster that he had pointed out at the shops the day the baby was conceived, a copy of the blink-182 self titled album (the one with our song on it) and when he opens the CD case out falls the ultrasound pictures from my first ultrasound.

“Frances, this is the baby…” He whispers running a light finger over the blurry lack and white picture.

“It’s our baby Izack,” I correct him.

“Our baby, your baby, my baby. We created it,” He murmurs, “Is it a girl or a boy?”

“We don’t know, I sort of want it to be a surprise,” I tell him.

“Good, I don’t really want to know,” He grins, “Here this is for you,” He hands me something soft wrapped in Christmas Santa paper.


I slowly and carefully unwrap it and pull a jumper from the paper casing.

“It’s for you, it’s the jumper coach got us all for last trip, the one we conceived the baby on. Your old footy number is on the back and so is your old nickname, ‘Curvy’.” He smiles, “It’s in a large cause I know you like oversized jumpers and well it’ll still hopefully fit during the pregnancy. I thought you would want something like it.”

“I love it Zack, it’s amazing. I love it,” I pull it on and hug him tightly.

“I’m glad you do Frances, but take it off for now it’s way too hot to be wearing a jumper,” He takes the jumper off of me and we leave the room to join the others.