Status: Fin <3


Without you girls I'd be nothing

“Ready for tomorrow Frances?” Alysha asks as we sit on her bed the day before school.

“As ready as I ever will be,” I whisper.

“Look hunny if anyone hassles you the four of us will stick up for you. We love you little one,” Flo rubs my back.

“Oh Flo,” I smile shaking my head.

“What?” Flo asks.

“You’re calling me little one when I’m this big, I’m a whale, almost bigger than Janice,” I laugh at her.

“No one is bigger than Janice, and you aren’t anywhere near her size. You don’t even look pregnant from behind,” Blythe burst into laughter.

“I do look pregnant from behind,” I pout.

“No you don’t! I saw guys checking you out from behind when we were at the shops this morning!” Ereka laughs and soon everyone is.


My stomach gurgles and I look down.

“Baby says its lunch time,” I tell the girls and get up from my seat on Alysha’s bed. We all wander into the kitchen and Alysha fetches out two loaves of bread and a container of Nutella. We make up both loaves and all get a drink, then we sit out on Alysha’s patio in the noon sun.

“So what is going to happen when the baby is born?” Ereka asks absent mindedly.

“Zack and I are still working it out. The baby and Izack will be here for the first 6 months, From there who knows,” I shrug and begin digging into my 4th sandwich.

“I just can’t believe that you’re going to be a mother in a few months!” Ereka sighs.

“I can’t either, I wake up every morning thinking that it’s all a dream, then I look down at my stomach and the tiny bit of hope falls away. Don’t get me wrong, I wouldn’t give up the pregnancy or baby for anything I just think I’m a little young and that the kids at school aren’t going to be as nice about it as you guys are. No one is as nice about it as you guys are, except of course Izack but it’s his kid too, so then again he doesn’t count for much. I just…you know…wish it had happened later on,” I ramble along.

“Frances…Frances hush hun, it’s all going to be fine,” Blythe rubs my back.

“What if I can’t do it? What if I’m not strong enough?” I ask tears forming.

“Francesca Natalee McAllister do I have to call Izack or will you listen when I tell you that you are stronger then you think, of all the people I know, you are the ONLY one that can survive this. You are an amazing young woman and I love you dearly. You can do this because I have faith in you… we all have faith in you. You’re going to have a happy, healthy baby because I know it, also I’m going to be its Godmother so of course it’s going to be happy,” Blythe grins.

“I love you Blythe Jasmine,” I place my hand on her shoulder and close my eyes, “You’re the greatest best friend in the universe.”

“I love you too Francesca Natalee,” She whispers stroking my hair.