Status: Fin <3


And the torture begins...

After dinner, which I would like to mention was Beef Stroganoff, I showed Mark and Scott to the door and kissed them both goodnight. Then with a hand holding the underside of my round belly I trudged upstairs and into the bathroom. The heat of the water pounding on my back released all of the days tension and I emerged from the shower feeling rejuvenated, dressing I checked my phone and saw that I had 32 missed calls.

I check the caller ID, it’s tells me that it was a private number, I run through the people who would call me 32 times, Blythe never calls me on a private number and neither does Izack so who was it? I think about it for a little while then sigh and put my phone down, I walk over to my desk and pick up my iPod, as I’m plugging it into the dock my phone starts blaring the song ‘Dirty Little Secret’ by ‘The All American Rejects’. I look at the caller ID…private number, I answer it out of curiosity.

Hey Francesca!
Umm who is this?
It’s me…
Hello me, what’s your name?
It’s Angie!
Umm Angie?
I’m in your maths class silly.
Oh Annie, why you calling? Is something up?
Yeah I have a question for you…
What is it?
Does it hurt when you have sex for the first time? The girls and I figured that you would know.
Oh I umm…

“Give me the phone Frances,” I hear Mark whisper, I hand him the phone and listen to the now one sided conversation, “Who is this?... Yeah well you’re a filthy little bitch okay, its not very nice to pull a prank like that… How about you tell me where you live and I’ll help you find out if it hurts or not?... Don’t call her again ever or me and her other brother will come round there and show you a few different things that hurt…We have our ways, tell your other little friends what I’ve told you so they don’t make the same mistake bitch.” Mark snaps the phone shut and tosses it onto the bed. I look at him worried and notice Scott standing in the corner.

“Why did you do that?” I ask.

“She makes me sick, anyone calls you again you’ll tell me straight away, Scott and I are taking you to school tomorrow,” Mark tells me, “To reinforce the fact that we will get them if they try it again, no one messes with our little Frankee.”

“Thanks Marky,” I hug him and he lowers me onto the bed.

“We’ll stay tonight if you want us to,” Scott tells me and sits in the bean bag he likes sleeping on.

“Please could you?” I ask and place my head on Mark’s chest. The boys often sleep over, sometimes I think its cause they don’t like leaving me, they would never admit it though. When they do sleep over Mark and I share my bed and Scott sleeps on my giant bean bag. Nothing ever goes on between me and Mark, personally I’d find it gross and so would he. So mum and dad are always fine with it when they find us all asleep in the morning.