Status: Fin <3


Izack's Visit

The term of school had gone well; Mark and Scott had dropped me off and walked me to roll call, making sure that they looked extremely scary everyday. No one had called me again and though some girls still call me names I pay no attention to it because I have the girls and the boys. Today is my first day of school holidays and I’m cleaning out the spare room because Izack is coming to stay for a week. He arrives tonight and I’m so nervous. I’m now 30 weeks which means that I’m 4 and a half months along. My stomach has grown heaps and it now looks like a basketball and a half is in there, my boobs however haven’t grown thank goodness. I sit on my knees in front of the closet and sort through the junk, throwing old papers into the plastic bag next to me. I stack photo albums in one pile and papers that we still need in another. All the old clothes get placed into a box and the winter jackets get taken to the basement. We only recently moved into the house and this was one of the rooms that we dumped all the stuff into. Anna and Archer’s rooms are right near mum and dad’s where as mine is at the other end of the house. My room has a door that leads onto the bathroom and a door that leads out to the front balcony. The spare room which I’m now cleaning out also has a door leading to the balcony. I don’t think my parents have realised yet but then again the door to the balcony from the spare room is always locked.


I finish cleaning the room out and carry the bags down to the bin, I get Archer to come grab the box because my doctor had told me not to lift anything heavy. Archer takes the box down and I get the vacuum cleaner out. I vacuum out the closet and the floor while Archer takes all the winter jackets to the basement. Once finished I make the bed and dust the shelves and desk. I stand in the doorway and survey the room. Clean and tidy, finally, I look at my hands then at the time, its 5:23 pm, Izack’s plane arrives at 7:45pm meaning that I have a little over an hour before we have to leave to go get him. I close the door to the spare room and walk into mine. I grab clean my towel and walk into the bathroom via the door from my room.


Showered, clean and dressed without a minute to spare, Dad calls to me from halfway up the stairs and I grab my shoes. I carry them down while buttoning up one of my new maternity shirts and placing my phone into my pocket. I walk out the house with Dad and climb into the seat behind the driver. I look at the seat behind the passenger seat and smile.

“Hey Staci how you been?” I ask my new neighbour. Staci is Archer’s age, she has naturally black hair but has added in lime green and pink streaks, her hair is cut messily at the top and has long extensions. Along with her pale, fair skin and striking blue eyes the effect is amazing, when we had moved in, Staci and I had become friends straight away, she hadn’t even cared that I was pregnant. I explained it all to her and she’s fine with it.

“I’m good Frankee, excited that I get to meet Izack,” Staci grins and we fall into our usual gossip session.


We arrive at the airport and walk over to the gate that Izack’s plane is meant to arrive at. After 5 minutes of waiting the baby starts kicking. I look down and smile, I place my hand on my stomach and stand up, the gate doors open and the people from Izack’s plane disembark. I spot Izack and he runs up to me.

“Frances!” He exclaims and hugs me, “How you been stranger.”

“I’ve been good, baby missed you,” I tell him and he places a hand on my stomach.

“I’ve missed you best friend,” He grins and kisses my cheek. We’d decided that even though we were going to have a baby together that we weren’t going to date anymore, we still love each other we aren’t in love and we have our separate lives, mine here in Sydney and his up in Bargara.


Once home Staci walks over to her house and I walk inside with Izack and Dad. I show Izack up to where he will be sleeping in the spare room then give him a tour of the house. I show him the games room, the library where we keep all of our books on shelves depending on whose books they are. I show him where the bathroom is, my room then show him the basement party room. We walk back up the stairs from the basement and I sit down on the couch in the lounge room.

“It’s a really nice house Frances,” Izack comments and sits on the couch next to me.

“Yeah I like it, we’re going to convert the spare room into the baby’s room when it’s born,” I tell him and turn on the TV.

“Sweet, so are you going to paint it and stuff?” Izack asks as we flick through the channels.

“Yep, I’m thinking a pale blue and have white clouds on the roof and one wall painted as if there’s a pile of toys against it,” I tell him with a smile.

“That’s totally awesome, so if the baby is getting the spare room where will I sleep when I come down?” Izack asks and I frown trying to remember.

“The games room,” I tell him with a smile.

“What’s going to happen to the games?” He asks.

“Games and stuff in that room is going into the library and the stuff in the library is going into the rooms of the people who own the items,” I tell him.