Status: Fin <3


Schools out for the pregnant teen

I’m now 8 months pregnant, it’s my last day of school and I’m finishing the paperwork that will allow the teachers to beam things right to my laptop at home. We’ve organised that Blythe will get all my homework and things seeing that she will more than likely come around everyday anyway. I walk out of school as if it’s any other day and smile when I see Mark and Scott standing in front of Scott’s car waiting for me.

“Wow Mama you’re getting big,” Mark smiles and hugs me.

“You saw me this morning,” I shake my head and watch as Anna places her bag in the boot then take mine and put it in for me.

“Yeah but I’m still not used to it Frankee,” Mark smiles and opens the door for me, I slide into the back seat and Anna gets in after me. I put my seat belt on and Scott leaves the curb heading home.

“So no more school for the rest of the year,” Scott smiles from the driver’s seat.

“I still have to do school work, and I have to go in for my exams and stuff, I just don’t have to go there all day everyday,” I explain to them.

“Hey Franny, when are you going to go back to school?” Anna asks and I look at her.

“I’m thinking beginning of next year,” I tell her.

“Oh…okay then,” She sighs and looks out the window with a sad look on her face.


We arrive home and I place my bag on my bed, then I strip from the now tight school dress, my stomach is no longer basketball size, its more like an over inflated beach ball. I rub my hands over the bare skin of my stretched stomach then walk over to my closet to look for something to wear. I find a pair of loose jeans and a long sleeved shirt. It’s Friday May 2nd and tomorrow I will be 33 weeks pregnant. Izack is now living at our house and I get to start painting the baby’s room. I was at an old junk shop and saw a beautiful carved rocking chair for only $20 so I conned Dad into buying it and Izack is going to fix it up for me. When the chair is perfect again we’re going to coat it in varnish and put it in the corner of the baby’s room. Tomorrow we’re going to Bunning’s to buy the paints and brushes and face masks I will need to protect me from the fumes. We bought venation blinds for the room and this beautiful curtain material with a mint green background and little teddy bears on it.

I walk slowly downstairs and sit at the bench on my bar stool, Mark and Izack are fighting over who gets the last of the coke so after a while I stand up and drink it.

“Problem solved boys,” I grin and sit back in my seat, Mark glares at me and Izack frowns.

“If you weren’t pregnant I would get you for that,” Mark growls and pulls out a plate of Caesar Salad, “Hmm I made this for you, but I think I’m going to eat it myself.”

“Be my guest Mark I’ll go find a bag of chips,” I smile and walk over to the pantry, I pull out a bag of original chips and from the fridge a thing of Philadelphia cream cheese dip, I walk back to my bar stool and open the food. I slide the chip into the dip and place it in my mouth, “Yummy,” I say with my mouth full.

“Fine, here, you know that the doctor said no junk,” Mark hands me the plate and takes the chips and Philadelphia cheese from me, “Frances you are too wicked for your own good you know that?” Mark asks as he puts the lid on the cheese and finds a bowl for the chips. He puts them back in the pantry and fridge then stands on the other side of the bench from me.

“Scott tells me that you two were talking about me yesterday after I went to bed,” I look at Mark and Izack.

“Yeah we were, we’re worried about the kids at school,” Izack tells me and takes a piece of lettuce from my plate.

“What about them?” I ask and eat another mouthful.

“Well, now that you’re no longer going to school, we’re worried what they’re going to do to Anna, I mean they’ll pick on her for being your sister,” Mark explains, “We’re not sure that she’s going to be able to cope, I know that she’s an emotionally strong girl but Annie can take only so much.”

“I’ll talk to the girls and tell them to keep an eye out for her,” I half smile, my greatest fears about this pregnancy weren’t just mine. If there was one thing I didn’t want that was my little sister getting picked on because of my mistakes.

“Okay, but if it gets too heavy I think we might have to get you guys to start at a new school next year, one where no one will know about the baby, seeing Archer starts high school next year I think a co-ed one will be best,” Mark tells me and he too takes a piece of my lettuce.

“I think you’re right Marky,” I sigh and place a hand on my stomach.