Status: Fin <3


Eww Mum I don't like that stuff

“A splash of paint here, a dab of paint there, yay for painting baby’s room,” I say to myself as I begin painting the baby’s room. The walls are going to be a soft blue, not quite baby blue a little darker, I have my roller paintbrush thing and my tray of blue paint. I roll the roller brush into the paint and grin, the floor is covered in plastic and the cornices and skirting is covered in tape, I press the roller brush to the wall and begin painting. I love the feel of paint as it goes on walls, its soft and squishy, strangely velvety smooth. I paint an entire wall before dinner and I put the paint down and leave the room.

“What’s for dinner?” Izack asks walking up from the basement.

“Fish, chips and vegies,” Mum answers serving the food onto plates.

“No corn Mum,” I tell her as she goes to put corn onto my plate.

“You used to love corn,” Mum frowns at me.

“Its gross, so are beans, none of them either please,” I smile and take my plate of carrots, fish, peas, broccoli and chips.

“Hmm well you go eat that then,” Mum mutters and I look at her with my mouthful.

“Slow down Frances you might choke,” Scott tells me as he takes the seat next to me.

“It’s not a race gorgeous,” Mark takes the seat on the other side of me.

“Great now I’m surrounded, when did you two get here anyway?” I ask and eat more slowly.

“About 3 hours ago, you were so caught up painting we decided to leave you to it and Mark helped cook and I went and moved the stuff your dad needed me to,” Scott tells me.

“Oh, well next time come help me, I could’ve used your help,” I tell him and smile.


After my shower I walk downstairs in my p-jays and sit on the couch with Scott and Izack. I take the remote from them and change the channel to Supernatural. Scott grins and I put a pillow against his side and lye so that I’m facing the TV. Together we watch Supernatural, Scott and my favourite show. When it’s finished we watch as much of the news as we can until I begin to fall asleep, together Scott and Izack lead me up to my bedroom and tuck me in. The last thing I know before I let the darkness of sleep envelope me is Izack’s lips placing a soft kiss on my cheek. I stir awake as I feel the cold air rush in at me as someone climbs into the other side of the Queen bed, I roll over and see my little sister lying there watching me hoping I don’t kick her out.

“Annie, are you okay?” I ask her softly touching her face feeling the wet tears.

“I had a bad dream,” Annie whispers, “Can I sleep in here with you Frankee?”

“Yeah, go to sleep little one nothing will get you tonight,” I tell her and watch as her eyes flutter closed.