Status: Fin <3


Loss and Gain

One month later, July 16th at 4am I got the call that my friend’s boyfriend had killed himself, no longer able to survive without Harley. Now Harley and Brett were in heaven together, or wherever two young gay male lovers meet after death. I however am sitting in the backseat of my dad’s car getting told by Scott, Mum and Izack to remember my slow steady breathing as I am getting sped to hospital by my dad who is praying that I don’t give birth in his car having already ruined the carpet in my bedroom.


When I had read the text from Janice who happened to have introduced me to Harvey and Brett when Janice and I had still been friends, I had immediately felt sick, I began crying and then hyperventilating and soon I got cramps and then a warm liquid slid down my leg. When that had happened I thought I had wet myself, however Scott who happened to have been walking back from the bathroom saw me and realised that in fact my waters had broken. He then woke up Izack and my parents who instructed Mark to look after my brother and sister while they took me to the hospital; instead Mark decided that he was going to drive them to the hospital keeping behind my dad the entire time.


We arrive at the hospital and…well I’m just going to skip all of that. I gave birth to a girl who Izack and I named Bronte Natalee and I gave her Izack’s last name, Anderson. So our beautiful little girl with a small amount of platinum blonde hair matted to her head, pink skin, tiny hands and feet and beautiful big green eyes has the name of Bronte Natalee Anderson. I lye with Izack next to me on the bed and Bronte in my arms wrapped in a white blanket, Dad with a smile reaching from ear to ear tells us to smile and takes a photo of the three of us. Photos are taken of me with Bronte and everyone then finally the midwife ushers everyone out telling them that I need to rest.