Status: Fin <3


He's such a wonderful father

Home now and Bronte is asleep in her bassinet at the end of my bed, she’s only a little over a week old but we have already got a feeding routine going. Izack has been allowed to sleep in my bed with me so that I’m not always waking up to get Bronte. Izack and I sleep on opposite sides of the bed and we have an imaginary unspoken about line that we do not cross. Bronte begins to cry and I wake up to her, Izack goes to sit up but I tell him no and he goes back to sleep. I pick Bronte up from out of her bassinet and cradle her in my arms. It isn’t her nappy so I figure that she’s hungry, I look at the clock at it says 2am, yeah Bronte is defiantly hungry. I walk out to her room and sit in the rocking chair that is in the corner. I pull down my singlet and expose my flesh for her to feed. She suckles until she is full and I take her away and place her gently over my shoulder, I pat her back lightly until she burps up all of the air then I cradle her in my arms and sing to her until she is asleep again, still softly singing I carry her back to the bassinet in my room and place her into it. I tuck her in then climb back into bed and fall almost directly asleep.


“Frances...Frances…Frankee!” Izack gently shakes me awake and I look up at him bleary eyed, “Bronte is hungry hun you need to feed her.”

“What’s the time?” I ask groggily sitting up in bed, Izack is kneeling next to me holding a screaming Bronte in his arms.

“Its 6am, here feed her then I’ll take her downstairs,” Izack hands me Bronte and I kiss her forehead before feeding her. After I’ve burped her Izack carries her out of the room and I slowly fall back asleep.


At 10am I wake up and slowly walk downstairs after putting on a pair of loose jeans and a shirt. I walk into the kitchen and again its only Izack, Bronte and I in the house, seeing that everyone else is at work or school. I make myself some toast then after I’ve eaten it I walk about the house in search of my friend and my child seeing that soon it will be time to feed her again. They aren’t anywhere downstairs and so I walk upstairs in search of them, I find Izack and Bronte in Bronte’s room playing with a few of her soft toys, or more Izack is playing with them with Bronte in his lap not really knowing what is going on. I smile and lean against the doorframe watching them then my smile turns into a frown as Bronte begins to cry. Izack looks down at her and sighs, he stands up and changes her tickling her stomach and talking to her as he does. When her nappy is changed and she doesn’t stop crying he looks towards the door, he sees me and his eyes light up. I walk over to him and pick up Bronte talking to her as I do and her mouth opens waiting to be fed, I sit in the rocking chair and pull my shirt up placing my nipple in her mouth and letting her feed.

“How long were you standing there Frances?” Izack asks sitting on the floor and begins putting the toys back in their place.

“About 5 or 10 minutes,” I admit as I look down at Bronte still suckling.

“Okay then, why didn’t you say something?” Izack asks and stands up.

“It was so adorable you and Bronte together,” I tell him a bright smile plastered across my face.

“Well I’m going to be with her everyday when you go back to school, I have to get to know her well,” Izack kisses my cheek and leaves the room. I finish feeding Bronte and sit her on my knee gently patting and rubbing her back to get her to burp up the air. She vomits a little and I sigh. I clean her up and when she has gotten rid of all the air I carry her downstairs.