Status: Fin <3


Mid November Walk to the Shops

Three months later and it’s mid November meaning Bronte is now 4 months old and sleeping in a cot in the nursery. I am back to my pre-baby 59kg and to my disappointment my breasts are still a swollen 10H and my aunties have all told me that even after I have finished breast feeding they are most likely going to stay that size for the rest of my life. I have my flat muscle toned stomach back, the slightly toned biceps and the very toned calf muscles. I’m proud of my figure and now that I take Bronte on my walks with me I go later on in the day, meaning that I am also very tanned. We have decided that Bronte will eventually go to live up in Bargara with Aunty Emmalee, so she is coming down when Bronte is 6 months old so that Bronte will get used to having Aunty Emmalee around. Izack will go back to school straight after the Christmas holidays end and we are going for a week long holiday in Bargara.


I place Bronte in her stroller and walk down to the shops to get some milk and bread. Cars fly past as we walk on the footpath the sun beating down on my uncovered shoulders and my short-short clad legs. I push the pram up the last really big hill then enter the shopping centre.

“Frances!” I hear Mark call as I walk into the Woolworths.

“Hey Marky how are you hun?” I kiss his cheek and he bends down and kisses Bronte hello, then walks with us as we get our supplies.

“I’m good, business is slow today, so I’ll help the young woman with the pram get her things,” Mark grins fixing his Woolworths shirt.

“If you say so,” I grin and walk towards the bread.

“So what do you need today?” Mark asks poking my tanned shoulder.

“Umm bread, milk, nappies and I need to get Bronte a new dummy,” I tell him.

“Awesome, I’ll get it for you,” Mark grabs a basket and gets the bread and milk then we walk to the other end of the store to the baby section. I grab the nappies and pick out a packet of three dummies; one blue, one pink and one purple. I place it in the basket and then as an after thought grab more nappy bags and more baby powder. We walk to the checkout and Mark places all the things on the checkout table.

“So this all today Frances?” Spencer asks, Spencer is one of Mark’s friends, is 2 years older than me, has bright green eyes and black hair with blonde through it. He’s my friend now too which is a good thing because he’s totally awesome.

“Yes thank-you Spencer,” I smile and get Bronte out of the pram as she begins crying.

“She’s getting bigger every time I see her,” Spencer lets Bronte grab his pinkie as he hands me my change.

“Yeah she’s growing all right I’ll need to come back soon for teething rings,” I sigh and laugh as Bronte attempts to put Spencer’s finger in her mouth, “Sorry Spencer,” I apologise as I take a dummy and place it in Bronte’s mouth. She spits it out and I catch it before it hits the ground, I sigh and smile at Spencer and Mark, “I’ll see you both later,” I kiss Mark’s cheek, wink at Spencer and then I leave after placing all of the shopping into the bottom of Bronte’s pram. I have recently mastered the skill of controlling a pram with only one hand while holding Bronte in the other.
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So this chapter we meet some one new... some foreshadowing I think :)