Status: Fin <3


Her acceptance and his promise...

After 45 minutes I arrive to see Frankee, Ereka, Blythe, Alysha, Dylan and Flo sitting in the gutter throwing rocks at each other.

“Oh there are so many things I could say to this,” I chuckle and get their attention.

“What is he doing here?” Dylan asks angrily.

“Who is he anyway?” Flo asks.

“That’s Izack,” Alysha tells her.

“Hey Izack!” Blythe and Ereka wave at me happily.

“I still want to know why he’s here,” Dylan growls, whilst glaring at me.

“Gee Dyl, he’s here because I asked him to bring me my keys,” Frankee explains.

“I need to talk to you,” Sky drags Frankee away and I mentally slap myself for not telling her about the IST period. The other girls and I stand there while Frankee and Dyl argue down the road.


“Hey I forgot to ask you last week, but did you get that job?” Alysha asks me.

“Yeah I did, I did a shift before I came down here to see if I liked it. I start part time as soon as I get back,” I tell her.

“That’s awesome,” she smiles.

“Where do you work?” Ereka asks.

“Jay Jays in the part of the shops where Woollies is,” I smile proud of myself.

“Wicked, oh I like your shirt by the way,” Blythe grins.

“Thanks, I really love your hair,” I tell her and smile when she absent minded touches her hair, its funny how chicks do that after we complement them.

“Do you have the keys?” Flo asks.

“Yeah,” I hold them up.

“Want to go inside? They could take a while,” Flo smiles, I nod and unlock the door then we all go watch TV. Soon after, Frankee walks in happily with a gloomy looking Dyl behind her. I guess Frankee won then. She smiles and plonks herself down next to me, only to then jump back up and sprint up the stairs.


“Wonder what that was about,” Alysha thinks out loud.

“I got no idea,” I comment and notice Dylan roll her eyes from the corner of the other couch just as Frankee runs back downstairs on the phone looking annoyed.

“Who is it?” I mouth. She writes on a piece of paper the words ‘it's my ex help!’ so I ask her loudly, “Who are you talking to babe?” Frankee smiles and winks at me.

“That’s my boyfriend you creep…No I’ve gotten over you…We broke up months ago... No I don’t... Look if you call me again I’m calling the cops!” She hangs up with an angry huff and adds to me, “Thanks Zacky.”

“Wait is he really you’re boyfriend or were you just saying that?” Blythe asks.

“He really is my boyfriend,” Frankee smiles at me.

“Since when are you and him dating?” Alysha asks.

“He asks me this morning,” Frankee answers.

“When?” Flo asks her.

“When I was waiting for the bus,” Frankee grins.

“Was he romantic about it or did he just ask you?” Ereka asks.

“He just up and asked, it was cool,” Frankee’s grin grows.

“Excuse me but he has a name,” I put in.

“Oh, sorry Izack,” Frankee kisses me, “Se…drink anyone?”

“Yeah, thanks,” Blythe and Alysha answer whilst Ereka and Flo accept with a nod.


“Coke, please. Now I’m okay with this as long as you ditch all of you’re alcohol and girls, not that you should even be drinking seeing you’re only 14 likes us but still, and you have to do your best not to hurt Frankee,” Dylan decides.

“I already have and I promise that I will try not to,” I answer with a smile.

“If you do hurt her, you’ll have to answer to us,” Alysha adds and the others nod.

“Yay Dyl!” Frankee jumps on her.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well that's like the stupidest filler in the world...
I promise it gets better next chapter, which I'll post right now...