Status: Fin <3


Recess Picture Finding

At recess Aimee leads me to a picnic table and I sit down, soon we are joined by 5 other people I hadn’t yet met plus Benji and Corey. I get introduced to them all and I begin to feel accepted.

“So Frances, Aimee tells me that you’ve already encountered the school player,” Ash smiles at me. Ash is in the year above us and he has red-blonde hair, green eyes and freckles, he’s about my height and is very, very toned, did I mention that he’s gorgeous? As good looking, if not better then Benji.

“Umm yeah, he seems okay, reminds me a little of how Mark used to be,” I smile and take a bite out of my sandwich.

“Who’s Mark? Is he the guy you kissed this morning?” Denner asks. Denner is in my year and is slightly taller than me, has brown hair, brown eyes and is baby faced.

“Umm no that was Scott and I only did that to freak him out,” I blush.

“How old is Scott?” Cole asks, Cole is in my year, my height, black hair and brown eyes.

“Scotty is 21 and Marky is 18 this year,” I tell them, “Believe me Scott was freaking out after I kissed him, he thinks of me as his little sister.”

“Looked like he liked it,” Ian grins slyly, Ian is in my year, is taller than me, has blue-blue eyes, has blonde-brown hair and is very toned.

“He didn’t like it Ian, he loved it,” Jake grins, his curly black hair slightly hiding his blue eyes.

“Oh god guys that’s gross,” I shake my head and hide my face with my hands.

“Frankee, don’t worry hun you know you want him too,” Aimee pats my shoulder.

“Oh my god Aimz you’re a bitch and a half,” I look at her trying to keep my face serious then we both burst into laughter.

“So you do want Scott or you don’t? I’m confused,” Ash frowns as Aimee and I laugh at each other.

“Well it was nice talking to you guys but I just spotted Katy,” Benji smiles and leaves running and picking up a girl kissing her softly. I sigh, the cute guys are always taken which means Ash is probably too.

“I don’t want him, I can’t want him, I’ll never want him, it’s gross and illegal,” I laugh at them.

“It’s only illegal if the cops find out hun,” Ash pats my arm softly.

“Oh you want me to screw Scotty? Or are you trying to make sure that I’m defiantly single?” I ask him with a smile, time to find out if I can go with him or not.

“Maybe I’m just asking the questions we all want to know?” Ash raises his eyebrows.

“Well Ash, and anyone else who wants to know, I’m single, very single and I don’t want Scott at all, if I had known he would’ve liked the kiss I never would’ve given it to him,” I answer looking Ash directly in the eyes as I say it.

“Sweet what’s his number?” Aimee asks, “I also want Izack’s and Mark’s cause this pic of Scott and Mark…Christ they’re good looking.”

“You’re kidding right?” I ask her shocked.

“Who’s Izack?” Ash asks.

“Should I just get the photos out and you can look at all my friends?” I ask the group and they nod. I take the pictures out of my wallet and write the names of the people on the back then hand the photos to Aimee.

“I want that one!” Ash points at me in the pic of me and Blythe.

“Ash that’s me,” I tell him softly.

“Really?” He looks at the picture then at me then holds the picture up near me, “So it is.”

“I had to dye my hair last week and take the piercings out,” I tell him.

“Sweet, I don’t like piercings much, but you look really hot in this photo,” Ash smiles and hands it back to me.

“I have another one if you want that one,” I tell him and hold it out to him.

“Are you sure?” Ash asks and hesitates in taking it from me.

“Take it, wait a second,” I write my number on the back and hold it out to him again. He takes it and looks at the back, he smiles and puts it in his wallet.

“Thanks Frances,” Ash smiles at me and I take his wallet from him, I pull out his driver’s licence.

“You’ve got your P’s?” I ask with a smile.

“Got them yesterday,” He grins happily.

“You’re my new best friend,” I joke.

“Only best friend, geez my charm mustn’t be working today,” Ash jokes as I go through his wallet, I find a baby photo and pull it out.

“This you?” I ask him studying the photo.

“Sure is,” He smiles.

“You were so adorable,” I tell him and hand it back.

“Who’s this Frances?” Cole asks holding the picture of Bronte and Izack in the pool and see him also holding the picture of Izack, Bronte and I the day she was born.

“Umm my…cousins,” I tell him and snatch the photos from him glancing at them before putting them in my wallet.

“Geez don’t get so angry I was only going to say she looks just like you,” Cole frowns at me so I force a smile and thank him.
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