Status: Fin <3


Scotty, Marky and Bronte

I walk out of my 6th period class with Aimee and Denner to see Scott and Mark standing against a pole near the bottom of the school, Bronte in Scott’s arms.

“Scotty! Marky!” I scream and drop my bag running to them and jumping into Mark’s open arms. I wrap my legs around him and hug him tightly.

“Hey Frankee,” Mark holds the back of my head and kisses my cheek.

“Are you going to hug me or not?” Scott asks.

“Nope I’m gonna keep hugging Marky,” I tell him and put my head on Mark’s shoulder.

“Fine then,” Scott pouts and begins to walk away still holding Bronte.

“He’s silly, put me down Mark I think I hurt his feelings,” I tell Mark and he puts me down. I walk over to Scott and hug him, “Course I’ll hug you big brother.”

“Eww don’t call me that, not after today,” Scott hugs me then pushes me away. I laugh and walk to where Aimee and Denner are standing with Ash and my bag.

“What the hell?” Denner asks as I pick up my bag.

“I haven’t seen Mark for about 2 months,” I tell him and we walk to where Mark and Scott are standing.

“Hi people Frankee met today,” Mark smiles and waves.

“You’re an idiot,” I shake my head at him and put my bag down, “Mark this is Aimee, Denner and Ash, guys this is Mark and Scott,” I introduce them all.

“Nice to meet you all,” Mark shakes their hands and Scott smiles at them, “Frankee where’s Anna?”

“She should be coming,” I toss Mark my phone, “Call her,” I tell him, Mark walks away to call Anna and I’m left standing next to Ash.

“So this is the guy you made out with this morning,” Aimee smiles.

“That was the grossest thing that’s ever happened to me,” Scott gags and I laugh at him as he adjusts how he is holding Bronte as she sleeps wrapped in her white blanket.

“Not from what we saw mate,” Denner grins.

“Yeah well I’d rather if she made out with someone else next time, I had to go to work and wash my mouth out,” Scott growls.

“Why is she a bad kisser or something?” Ash asks.

“I am not!” I gasp.

“Then prove it,” Denner smirks. I frown at him then see Ash laughing next to me. I look at him and grin.

“Come here,” I tell him and he goes bright red, “If you’re gonna laugh then you can decide,” I tell him. I press my lips to his and then slide my tongue into his mouth. We kiss and his hands grab my waist and pull me closer to him, my hands weave into his hair and the kiss deepens. When I’m sure that I’ve proven my point I break away from him and smile, “Am I good or bad?”

“I think I’m going to need to go again before I can make an assumption.” He tells me with a cheeky smile.

“In Ash language it means you were brilliant,” Aimee tells me and smiles.

“Well then my work here is done, I’ll see you lovely people tomorrow,” I smile and hug Aimee and Denner and kiss Ash’s cheek. Scott hands me Bronte and Mark picks up my bag when he returns with Anna and the four of us walk out the gates to Scott’s car.