Status: Fin <3



“Here’s your phone back by the way kiddo,” Mark tells me and hands me my mobile.

“Thanks Marky,” I smile and check my messages. I have a new one from Blythe and I open it:

‘Chizz how waz ur 1st day?’

I smile and text back:

‘Brilliant, MSN 4 details’

She texts back:

‘kk ill b on @ 5’

I close my phone and look out the window, I touch my lips and think of the kiss I just shared with Ash. Am I really ready to date? Am I ready to start seeing someone other than Izack? Even though we haven’t dated since December 2007 and its now January 2009 doesn’t mean that it’s not going to be weird. I mean we had a baby together only 6 months ago. I look at Bronte and half smile. I really like Ash though, I mean as much as someone can like someone after only a day. I sigh and close my eyes leaning my head against the cool glass of the car window.


“Frankee…” I hear someone say my name, I raise my head and the car door opens, I look up at Scott and smile then close my eyes again, he unbuckles my seat belt then picks me up out of the car, I wrap my arms around his neck and he carries me up to my room. He places me on my bed and takes my shoes off then puts me under the covers, he kisses my forehead and I fall completely asleep.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay so I wrote a few chapters yesterday, I have 4 more so this is 1/5 :)