Status: Fin <3


The answer is yes, its always yes

I walk into school a week later a bright smile plastered all over my face. I spot my friends and walk over to them humming a tune as I walk. I place my bag down and hug each of them then sit down, bopping my head to the music on my iPod.

“What’s got you in such a good mood?” Aimee asks taking the headphone from the ear closest to her.

“Hmm?” I look at her and pause the music.

“Why are you in such a good mood?” Aimee asks.

“Mum and Dad said Izack is allowed to come down from Bargara for the weekend while they’re in the city for work, he arrives here Friday arvo and leaves late Sunday night,” I tell her.

“So Izack will get to see Bronte?” She asks. We had convinced everyone else that Bronte and Izack are my favourite cousins.

“Yep, I can’t wait, I’ve missed him so much, plus I need to talk to Izack about you know who,” I tell her nodding at Ash who is asleep listening to his iPod.

“You going to say yes if he asks you out before the weekend?” Aimee asks me quietly. Over the last two weeks Ash and I had gotten really close.

“I don’t see why not, Izack and I did agree to date other people,” I whisper to her.

“Yay, cause a little birdie told me he might ask tomorrow,” Aimee tells me.

“You’re kidding right,” I gasp. Aimee and I talk for a little while longer until the bell goes, Ash is still asleep so I walk over to his side of the picnic table and gently take the headphones out of his ears and turn off his music, “Hey Ash, come on time to wake up, the bell for roll call went,” I whisper and gently shake him. He stirs and I smile, his eyes are clouded with sleep and he looks so cute.

“What time is it?” He asks me groggily.

“Its 8:30, the bell for roll call just went, come on time to go,” I tell him and stand up. He puts his iPod into his pocket and looks at me.

“Morning Frances,” He smiles and I hug him, “That’s the nicest wake up I’ve ever received at school, the others normally smack me over the head with a bag or books or something.”

“Don’t worry I’ll never do that to you,” I tell him and we walk together until we have to go our separate ways.

“Hey Frances before you go, I gotta ask,” He stops and I look at him.

“What’s up hun?” I ask softly.

“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asks shyly rubbing the back of his head and shifting from foot to foot.

“Yes, of course,” I smile and kiss him. We kiss until Aimee grabs the back of my dress and pulls me away. I smile at Ash and wave then follow Aimee to roll call, “Meany he only just asked me out and you had to do that?”

“Dude you were standing there kissing for 10 minutes we’re late to roll call,” Aimee laughs at me and continues walking.

“Oh, umm fair enough then,” I smile and follow her into class.

“You need to fix your lip gloss,” She tells me as we sit down. I touch my mouth and feel that my lip gloss is smudged off of my lips.

“Thanks Aimz,” I tell her and fix my gloss.
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