Status: Fin <3


Our first and only outing

“So Ash, what we going to do today?” I ask as we walk down a street the next weekend. He had picked me up from my house at 9am and didn’t tell me where we were going, he pulled up in a side street somewhere and now we're walking down the street.

“Well I was thinking we could eat lunch at this little café I like, then we can go to this boutique I saw last week that I think you’re going to absolutely love, after that it’s a surprise,” Ash smiles and takes my hand in his. Slowly we walk down the street and I look around trying to place where we are, what the café might be, which boutique and what on earth the surprise will be. We walk around and then Ash leads me into a little enclosed café. A young woman seats us in a corner booth and I frown at Ash.

“You come here often? It seems so classy, it’s gorgeous,” I tell him and look around. The woman hands us each a menu and I look at the prices.

“Don’t look at the price Frances I’m paying,” Ash tells me, obviously my eyes had gone wide when I saw the prices.

“But Ash…” I begin.

“But nothing, just be quiet,” Ash smiles and takes my hand in his.
♠ ♠ ♠
Just a filler... not proud of it really