Status: Fin <3


I can't do this anymore

After the few weeks I’m still suspicious about Ash and Jared had told me more things about Ash and Maggie. I begin to worry about it and eventually I confront Ash. We decide to take a break on our relationship, and he denies all the things Jared has told me about Maggie. I’m not sure now who to believe but I can’t think about something like that at the moment seeing my exams are coming up soon and so is Bronte’s 1st birthday. Life gets too complicated at times for me to keep up.


It’s Bronte’s 1st birthday today, everyone is here, my family and my friends including Ash, we aren’t dating but we’re friends. I had found out a little over a week ago that everything Jared had said had been a lie and I had spent the last week organising Bronte’s birthday and talking to Ash about what had happened. He forgave me and we had decided to be friends seeing Jared had messed up any chance of a lasting relationship. The trust had been broken and neither of us are willing to go there again so we are now just very good friends and we are both happy with that. I don’t think I will be ready for a relationship for a while now but we’ll just have to wait and see.
♠ ♠ ♠
I didn't say that they were even parts :)