Status: Fin <3


January Romances

I awake and look at my watch, its 11:55am, I yawn and close my eyes about to let myself fall back to sleep. My eyes shoot open again and I toss the covers off of me, I curse and grab my clothes for the day, a blue Billabong singlet top and a pair of short shorts. I wake up my best friend and tell her to hurry then I run into the bathroom, pulling my pyjamas off and jump into the shower. Quickly I clean my body of the sweat of a Sydney summer night’s sleep and jump back out again. I dry myself quickly and turn the straightener on as I do. I hear the doorbell ring and curse again, I pull on my clothes and quickly straighten my hair and do my eyeliner.

“Frankee!” My mum calls up the stairs.

“I’m coming!” I shout my reply. I take another look at myself and pull on white socks then run my fingers through my half straight hair. I walk down the stairs and to the kitchen. Standing there is Spencer and Mark whom I hadn’t seen since the beginning of school holidays which was two months ago in November, soon Blythe comes down too and I smile, I hug Mark hello then hug Spencer.

“I missed you Frankee,” He whispers as we hug.

“I missed you too Spence,” I smile and we break the embrace.

“So what are we going to do today?” Mark asks rubbing his hands together.

“I have DVDs in my room?” I offer.

“Okay so to Frankee’s room we go,” Spencer smiles, then my eyes open wide in horror and I run up the stairs and quickly make the bed and put my underwear and pyjamas away. I’m closing the wardrobe door when the three of them walk into my room. I smile weakly and sit on my bed then spot that my laptop is displaying a conversation that my friend Malcolm and I had had the night before on msn. I freak out and grab my laptop sitting it in my lap and begin closing the conversation.

“What are you doing Frankee?” Mark asks confused.

“It said I have a virus,” I lie to him and they believe me, except Blythe who laughs silently. I shoot her a glare and she laughs louder drawing the boys’ attention.

“What’s so funny?” Spencer asks confused.

“Nothing, just remembered something Frankee told me last night,” Blythe grins and Spencer nods confused and sits next to me on my bed. I move the laptop so he can’t see the screen and he gives me a puzzled look. I exit the conversation and then move the laptop back so Spencer can see.

“Hey Frankee, that’s us,” Spencer points at my desktop background. I nod and blush slightly red, “We should take new ones, where’s your camera?” Spencer asks standing up. He goes to look in the desk drawer and I jump up quickly not sure what is in it.

“I’ll get it,” I open the draw and dig around pulling out my camera, I go through the pictures on it deeming them safe for Spencer to see and hand him the camera, “Go your hardest,” I tell him and sit back down on my bed cross-legged.


Blythe sits with me on my King single bed and we watch Spencer and Mark playing with my camera, I smile then log into msn, straight away Malcolm greets me:

Mal; says:
My darling Frankee how is your day with lover boy going?

]{ Chizz feat. BJayz, Spence and Marky }[ hopeless dreamers hopeless types… says:
Shush you twit he might see what you say!!!

Mal; says:
But isn’t that the point in getting him over today? For him to find out that you’re completely and utterly hopelessly in love with him? How old is he anyway?

]{ Chizz feat. BJayz, Spence and Marky }[ hopeless dreamers; hopeless types… says:
He shouldn’t be reading it from an msn convo with a weirdo 19 year old, which reminds me when are you getting here? He’s turning 19 soon, like a few months before I’m 17.

Mal; says:
I’m actually about to leave, which is why I started this conversation. To inform you that I will be there before 1pm, so I’m going to log off and get into my Treemobile and come rescue you from yourself. Thou shalt arrive shortly!

]{ Chizz feat. BJayz, Spence and Marky }[ hopeless dreamers; hopeless types… says:
Ok well I shall see you when you arrive in your green chariot. DON’T FORGET TO PICK UP THE PIZZA ON YOUR WAY OVER! Cause Blythe and I only just woke up and we’re starving.

Mal; says:
Yes ma’am! *Mal salutes Frankee* I shall bring the supplies! *Mal hugs Frankee and leaves*

]{ Chizz feat. BJayz, Spence and Marky }[ hopeless dreamers; hopeless types… says:
See you soon Mal :)

Mal; has logged off.


“What is all that about?” Spencer asks looking at the conversation putting his chin on my shoulder.

“That’s Mal, he’s like my big brother, he’s bringing me pizza, you’ll meet him soon,” I stutter realising that Spencer is so close to me.

“Oh, ok cool, so I get to finally meet the infamous Mal, awesome,” Spencer touches my shoulder with his lips and I wonder if that had just been a kiss or something else. He brings his arms around so they’re on either side of me and points the camera. He takes a picture of the two of us and then goes around taking pictures of the others.

“Do you guys want to go outside?” I ask shyly.

“Sure, lets go Chizz,” Blythe takes my hand in hers and we walk down the stairs and out the back door with the boys following. I pull my socks off and leave them just inside the back door then Blythe and I race each other to the side of my 2 lot house. My house takes up all of one lot of yard and the backyard is basically just an entire lot that is right next door to my house. We run to the middle of the grassy side yard and Blythe and I shove each other to the ground. Spencer and Mark stand and laugh and take photos of us as Blythe and I lye on the grass. I stand up and take the camera from Spencer. I take photos of me and Blythe and then of me and Mark, Spencer is walking away from us so I run up and jump on his back and take a picture of us.

He smiles and holds onto my thighs to keep me on his back and I take another picture with my head on his shoulder. He puts me down and takes the camera off of me, he stands behind me and takes the photo of us and at the last second he presses his lips to my cheek. I take the camera off of him and look at the photo, you can see the side of his face, his lips on my cheek and my blush perfectly. I smile at him and hug him, he picks me up a little and kisses me softly taking the camera and taking a photo of our first kiss. I smile and break the kiss and begin laughing, I’m so happy I don’t know what I should do, Spencer takes my hand and we walk back to where Blythe and Mark are talking. Spencer sits down and takes photos with the other two as if nothing had just happened. I sit next to Blythe and join in on the posing, out of the corner of my eye I notice a dark green Honda Jazz pull up out the front of my house. I squeal and jump up and run to the car. Malcolm climbs out of the driver’s seat and I pull him into a hug.

“Whoa settle down Frances,” Malcolm tells me.

“I’ve missed seeing you! Never again ok? From now on we have to see each other more than just once every year or so!” I tell him and I hug him tightly

“I’m sorry Frances,” Malcolm whispers and I let him go, he straightens his sun glasses and shuts the driver’s side door, “I like what you’ve done to your hair by the way,” He tells me picking up a piece of my blonde hair from my shoulder and then dropping it back down.

“Thanks, I got it done before I started at the new school at the beginning of last year, wow I can’t believe that it’s 2010 already,” I tell him with a smile.

“Yeah I haven’t seen you since this time last year!” Malcolm hugs me and then gets the pizzas from the passengers side seat, he hands them all to me and picks up the coke, garlic bread and ice-creams then he locks his car and we walk down the driveway to my front door.

“I know, we leave it way too long,” I tell him then look at my three friends lying on the grass and call out to them, “Guys pizza is here, come get it!”
♠ ♠ ♠
So this is it... I give up on changing fonts, I cant get it right, if someone wants to remind me how to do it itll be greatly appreciated :)