Status: Fin <3



Malcolm holds the door open for me and we walk down to the back of the house, we sit the pizza on the bench in the kitchen and I look at what sorts he had gotten us while he gets cups from the cupboard and plates. I smile at the fact that he still remembers where everything is and then the other three come busting in through the back door.

“Slow down guys, there’s more than enough to go around,” I tell them and they spot Malcolm.

“Mal!” Blythe gives him a huge hug like I had given him and kisses his cheek, “How you been lately? Chizz and I have missed you so much!”

“I’ve been good, I’ve been doing really odd shifts lately for work, but I’ve got the next couple of days off so I think I’m going to spend them here with you two minions.”

“Minions?” Mark coughs confused.

“Didn’t you know? These two work for me, my evil minions do everything I ask them to,” Malcolm smiles ignoring the fact that he’s never met Mark or Spencer before.

“Umm I didn’t know that,” Mark looks at Malcolm suspiciously then picks up a piece of pizza.

“Mark, Spencer this is Mal, Mal this is Mark and Spencer,” I introduce the three of them and a smile crosses Malcolm’s face.

“It’s nice to meet you Mark,” Malcolm shakes his hand then turns to Spencer, “And wonderful to put a face to the things I’ve been hearing about you Spencer,”

“It’s nice to finally meet you too Mal, I just hope what you’ve heard is good,” Spencer smiles and shakes Malcolm’s hand while I sigh and plot Malcolm’s demise.

“It’s all good things, I’ve honestly never heard Frances talk about someone as highly as she does about you,” Malcolm grins and I grab him by his hair and drag him outside, “Oi, what’d I do?”

“You just couldn’t help yourself could you Mal?” I growl and let go of his hair, personally I was proud that I could even reach his hair seeing he’s a good 10cm taller than me and my head only comes up to his chest, but that’s besides the point.

“I didn’t tell him that you love him did I?” Malcolm asks innocently.

“No I guess you didn’t,” I sigh and my anger melts away.

“See exactly, now give your brother a hug and we can go eat pizza and watch X-Men,” Malcolm smiles and I hug him then we walk back inside.