Status: Fin <3


No nightmares Blythe! None!

“It’s brilliant! The first night without a single one of those horrible wicked nightmares and I have no idea why,” I exclaim to Blythe the next morning while we eat the pancakes I made us for breaky.

“Well what’s changed?” Blythe asks.

“Spencer is what changed, he slept next to me last night. That’s the first time it’s ever happened,” I play with the new idea a little.

“But it doesn’t do anything when I share the bed with you?” Blythe questions.

“Hmm and it doesn’t when Scotty or Marky share the bed with me,” I furrow my brow as I think about the nights my two older friends take turns watching me when my nightmares get really brutal.

“Maybe it’s something you ate or didn’t eat yesterday?” Blythe suggests.

“Maybe it is,” I half smile. I look at my pancakes and think about my nightmare free sleep, it was good and there was this permanent warmth radiating through my dreamless sleep. I look up and am about to tell Blythe about this when a gruff sleep filled voice interrupts me.

“Have you seen my car keys?” Spencer asks from underneath his blonde and black hair.

“They’re on the bench,” I tell him then ask, “Why do you need them?”

“Cause I left my phone in the car and I have to call Scott.” Spencer explains.

“Oh okay then well yeah they’re on the bench,” I smile and look at him in his boxers, “Are you going to go outside in that?”

“No, I had to go get my clothes on first,” Spencer blushes when he looks at the smile on my face.

“Here I’ll go outside for you,” I stand up and take the keys from him. In my short shorts and oversized band shirt I walk out to Spencer’s car and grab his phone. I carry it back to the house and hand it to him. Then sit with Blythe, Spencer walks away to make the phone call and again Blythe and I are alone.


“So, what’s going on between you and Spencer?”

“Nothing we’re just friends,”

“That’s a load of bullshit Chizz I know you better than anyone else, something is going on between the two of you,”

“Fine, yesterday we kissed…a lot and I like him heaps, I might even be falling in love with him. I don’t have a clue how he’s feeling but all I know is that when he’s close by I feel like nothing in the world can get to me,” I sigh letting her know my thoughts and feelings.

“Naww Chizz that is so cute, he likes you so it’s all good. I bet he’s calling Scott to get advice on asking you out,” Blythe grins excitedly.

“But he can’t ask me out, what about Izack and Bronte?” I ask her.

“You and Izack agreed that you’re going to date other people, you two are just friends now and no matter who you date you and Izack are still Bronte’s true mum and dad.” Blythe explains a soft hand touching my arm.

“Okay, so if he does ask me out…” I grin getting as excited as Blythe had been.

“That’s my girl, now you’re going to say yes, then kiss him, then give him head, then fuck him senseless,” Blythe grins devilishly.

“BJayz, how long has it been since you and Nate last had sex?” I ask her.

“Umm almost 4 weeks,” she answers shyly.

“That explains it, go home, fuck Nate then come talk to me about my dating life,” I tell her with a large smile on my face.
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