Status: Fin <3


Like Angels As They Sleep

I walk up to my room a while later and push open the door, I laugh when I spot Mal asleep on my bed and Mark next to him. I quietly walk into my bathroom and set about brushing my teeth. I walk back into my room closing the curtain to let the two boys have more darkness then softly shut the door as I walk out. I look at my watch and see that its already 9:29 am, my dad and brother had gone to take Anna to work and my mum is still in bed asleep the only people awake in the entire house is Blythe, Spencer and I. Smiling I walk into the bedroom we had converted into a music room, in it are my two guitars, one an acoustic and one an electric, my sister Anna’s clarinet and my brother Archer’s drum kit. The music room is completely sound proofed and wired up with a sound system and a microphone system for when I’m practicing my vocals. I set up a mic and pick up my acoustic guitar. A rattling is heard and the door swings open, I jump shocked by the sudden arrival interrupting my song writing. I look up and see Spencer standing in the door way.

“I did knock,” he defends himself.

“It’s okay, pull up a chair,” I tell him. He closes the door and opts to sit on the floor opposite from where I am leaning against the wall cross-legged with the guitar in my lap, “So what’s on your mind hun?”

“Well Frankee I’ve been meaning to ask you something, and I haven’t cause I’ve been worried that you’re going to tell me no, but I decided this morning to hell with my fears I should just ask you and get it over and done with instead of worrying about it and getting more scared than I should be so here I am to ask you the question cause I decided to stop being scared and worried about your answer…” he rambles. I put the guitar down and look at him.

“Spencer calm down, you’re repeating yourself, just ask me the worst thing that’s going to happen is that I might say no and who’s to say that I even will so hurry up and ask okay?” I smile at him to reassure him.

“Okay here goes, Francesca will you be my girlfriend?” Spencer asks. My mouth drops open and I look at him in shock, I try to answer but only a tiny squeak comes out, “Frankee are you okay?”

“I…well…I…yes of course I will be,” I finally manage to get out. I smile and kiss him softly on the lips.

“Awesome, this is brilliant,” Spencer grins like an idiot and kisses me again passionately. I return the kiss and we remain entangled in each other for quite a while.
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