Status: Fin <3


Fidgeting With A Mouthful Of Purple

Spencer and I have been dating for a month now, and Blythe is transferring to my school tomorrow, I’m so excited that I haven’t stopped fidgeting since the beginning of the day.

“Hey Frances cut it out,” Denner takes the pen from my hands and sits it on his desk.

“But Den-ner…” I whine.

“I asked you a question and you never answered me,” He sighs.

“Oh, yeah what’s up?” I ask.

“When are you going to Penang?” He asks.

“In 4 weeks, after the school holidays, I’ll be gone week 2 and 3 of term 2. So I won’t be here for the half yearlies.” I tell him.

“Oh fair enough, now you can have your pen back,” He hands me the pen and I begin chewing on it again.


Aimee, Denner, Ash, Corey, Jake, Ian, Cole, Benji and I all sit at a picnic table in the sun, Aimee, Denner, Ian, Cole, Benji and I are all in year 11 where as Ash, Corey and Jake are in year 12. We’re all pretty good friends and they’re excited about Blythe changing schools too. They’ve met her a few times at the movies and stuff and they get along great. Lunch was boring even with the usual glares shot at me from Jared. I guess he never really got over the fact that when I started dating Spencer I learned to shut out the things that Jared says to me so that they no longer effect me. It seems to have pissed him off seeing that the reason I broke up with Ash was cause of the things Jared was telling me. Fortunately though Ash and I are still really good friends. I sigh and put my head on Aimee’s shoulder.

“So Blythe is coming tomorrow?” Cole asks excitedly.

“She sure is!” I grin manically and chew on my pen.

“Frankee cut it out otherwise the pen will explode in your mouth and you’ll have ink all over your shirt.” Aimee tries to take the pen out of my mouth.

“Aimz its okay it’s not going to explode or leak,” I tell her with a smile and continue chewing on my pen.

“Then why is there purple all over your hand?” Ash asks pulling my hand and opening it to show me.

“Hmm…” I take the pen from my mouth and look at Aimee, “Are my lips purple?”

“Nope, the same colour as they always are, show me your tongue,” She tells me. I open my mouth and she grins, “Nice Frances, very nice.”

“Shit…oh well,” I put the pen back in my mouth and chew on it.

“Frankee that’s gross,” Jake exclaims from his seat next to Cole.

“Not you who has to kiss me,” I tell him with a smile.

“Oh Jesus take it out of your mouth I don’t think Spencer would wanna be purple,” Aimee yanks the pen from my mouth and gets purple all over her hand.

“We match,” I smile and place my left ink soaked hand on her right ink soaked hand.

“Oh yay,” Aimee rolls her eyes and gets up, “Come on we’re washing this stuff off.”

“But I don’t want to,” I whine and Aimee and Denner drag me to the toilets, Denner walks into the boys toilets and Aimee drags me into the girls.

“Come on fill your mouth with the water and swish it around,” Aimee tells me and I do as she says. I rinse my mouth out then realise that it isn’t working, “Maybe you should try soap?” Aimee jokes, to freak her out I put a load of soap and water into my mouth and rinse it out, the purple comes completely off of my teeth and some out of my tongue, “That’s gross Frankee.”

“Worked though,” I smile as I spit all the soap out of my mouth and rinse until there is none left in it, then I get as much purple ink off of my hand as I can, when I’m done Aimee inspects my hand and mouth and tells me that its all good.
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Well guys this is 4/4. Hope you all have a brilliant weekend, its beautifully warm here in Australia... <3