Status: Fin <3


Mark make me a sandywitch

I run out of class and into Spencer’s arms, I had watched him out the window the entire time, he had been standing out there pulling faces and stuff and it was all I could do not to laugh. I kiss him softly and he carries me a few metres before putting me down. I take his hand in mine and we walk to his car. He was coming home with me because his parents are going out of town for this week and the first week of holidays and my parents had said that it would be okay for him to stay with us. We get in his car and we wait for my siblings to get in the car too. I plug my ipod in and put in my headphones then place my head on the car window and fall asleep.

He shakes me awake when we arrive home, I pull out my keys and unlock the front door, we all walk in and I lock the screen door leaving the front door open to let the breeze through. I walk up to my room and put my bag down then lead Spencer to the guest room where he will sleep for the next two weeks. His bags are on the floor seeing his mum and dad had dropped them off this morning before my mum left for work. Spencer puts his bag on the floor at the end of the guest bed then we walk downstairs and into the kitchen.

As we begin making sandwiches Mark and Scott turn up at the front door, I let them in and they walk down to the kitchen with me. We all make food for afternoon tea then walk into the lounge room and turn the TV on.

“Scotty?” I ask innocently.

“What?” He asks looking at me from across the room.

“I’m having trouble with Biology again,” I tell him and he sighs.

“Fine go get your homework,” He tells me and walks over to the dining room table. I get my Biology homework and return to where Scott is sitting at the table. Together we do my homework and he explains my day’s lesson, immediately it makes sense and I thank him. I put my book back and we return to the TV.

“What did you get on your Hospitality assignment Frank?” Mark asks when the commercials are on.

“Full marks, thank you,” I smile at him.

“So when you get back from overseas you’re coming to work at my restaurant yeah?” Mark asks looking at me.

“Yep, but Miss isn’t allowed to know that we know each other,” I tell him. We continue our conversation until my parent’s get home so Mark and I begin making dinner.
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Sorry, I really am. I've been on holidays and before that I just lost my way with the story, I mean I knew what I was going to write...I just didn't know how to write it. Anyway I've written 5 chapters for my wonderful Subscribers so here you go. 1/5