Status: Fin <3


First nightmares, now my visions are horrific...

“So you think you’ll be able to walk properly again by tomorrow?” Blythe asks as we sit at the picnic table at lunch on Thursday.

“Mhmm, stitches come out this arvo,” I tell her and look at my knee which has healed as fast as everything else does when it comes to my body, high above human average.

“Sweet so you gonna come beach tomorrow then?” Jake asks looking at me intently.

“Yeah defiantly,” I smile and rest my head on Blythe’s shoulder closing my eyes.

“Yay!” Aimee bounces in her seat next to Ash. I laugh and soon everyone else is laughing. We walk to our 5th period class and sleep, then watch the clock all through our 6th period class until the bell goes at 3:30. I jump out of my seat and grab my bag pushing all of my things inside. I walk out of the room and into Spencer’s arms then we walk out the gates to Scott’s car.

“Frankee! Are you ready to go to the doctor?” Scott asks hugging me and shaking Spencer’s hand.

“Yeah let’s go I want these things out,” I jump in the backseat seeing that Mark is sitting in the front and Scott drives us to the doctors.


I get my stitches out and we are on our way home when I get hit by a very strong feeling of grief and sadness. Tears well up in my eyes, my throat constricts and my stomach churns.

“Frankee are you okay?” Spencer asks placing a hand on my thigh. I nod and smile and Mark tells him some lie so he will stop worrying. Spencer believes Mark and looks away and I look at Mark hoping that we are almost home. We pull into my driveway and Spencer gets out and goes to help me out but Mark tells him that he’s got me. Spencer walks away and Scott and Mark kneel in front of me.

“What did you see Frankee?” Scott asks placing a hand on my cheek.

“A funeral with two coffins, all of my dad’s family and all of my mum’s family were there but mum and dad weren’t,” I tell him sniffing.

“It’s probably nothing Frankee,” Mark hugs me and I place my head on his chest.

“Should we tell them though?” I ask looking up into his eyes.

“We would only worry them, it may not happen for a few years,” Scott tells me and stands up extending a hand to pull me up out of the car. I take his hand and he pulls me into a tight hug.

“You’re probably right, it was years before he died that I had the vision that Harvey would pass away,” I sigh and kiss the cross hanging around my neck. I had been having visions like this one since before I could remember, they were always about major accidents, death, severe sickness or injury to those closest to me and whenever I get them it hits me as if it had already happened, because by now I know that if I see it in a vision its going to happen no matter how hard I try to stop it.

“Come on little one it’s nothing to worry about in that case,” Scott hugs me and we walk into the house.
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So anyway this has its reasons :) and I find it goes with the first few chapters of the story... Anyway yeah Frankee's nightmares have turned into visions...