Status: Fin <3


First day = Miserable

“Okay are you ready?” I ask my brother and sister as I sit in the school parking lot, all of us reluctant to leave the car.

“Yeah, I guess I’m ready,” Anna croaks from the back seat of our Scorpion, a big speech for her, she has barely said more than 3 words lately.

“I am too, I’m as ready as I’ll ever be,” Archer decides and grabs his bag escaping from the car before he changes his mind. Anna and I get out and I lock the car and put the keys in the pocket of my school bag. Its Tuesday June 15th exactly one month and one week since both of my parents had died. We’re an hour late and slowly walk up to the school gates, with luck the back gates are unlocked and we walk in and to the front of the school, into the office.

“May I help you three?” Ms Kyles the office lady asks us.

“We’re here to see Mr Harvey, he told us to see him when we decided to come back to school,” I tell her confidently.

“Oh…” She realises who we are, “I’ll just go get him now,” She almost runs to his office and our school principal comes back with her.

“Hello Francesca…Anna…Archer would you like to come talk before we send you to class?” He asks.

“Sir, if its not too much I think I want to go straight to class,” Archer tells him.

“That’s quite alright, I’ll call up your year coordinators and they can escort you to your 2nd period classes,” He nods and gets on the phone, a few minutes later and our three year coordinators are with us in the office. Mr Fredricks walks out with Archer, taking him to class.


“Anna did you want to go to class now?” Mr Moir my sister’s year coordinator asks. She looks at me and everyone follows her gaze.

“She doesn’t talk often anymore Sir, she’ll go with you,” I tell him then look at my sister, “Anna, if you need me you have my timetable, you’ll be fine, I promise,” I tell her and hug her then she leaves with Mr Moir. I watch them go then sigh and adjust my bag.

“Are you okay Frances?” Mr Parker my year coordinator and favourite teacher asks as we walk out to my Standard English class.

“I don’t know anymore Sir. The only way to get through this is to keep breathing and to always have something to do,” I confess.

“If you don’t mind me asking, what did you do for the last month?” Mr Parker asks.

“The three of us completely rebuilt the car that’s been in my family since before I was born,” I half smile.

“Wow, you’ve got to show me soon,” He tells me.

“I’m sure Archer will want to show you, he has workshop with you today, so he can come get the car keys and show you. He’s so proud of it,” I smile and notice that we’re now standing outside my English room, “After you Sir.”

“Are you ready?” He asks searching my eyes.

“Yes, I hope they saved me a seat,” I attempt a joke and grin. Mr Parker smiles back then knocks on the door, Miss Augustus my English teacher opens the door and when she sees me she hugs me.

“I’m truly sorry about your parents Frances, your Mum and I got along so well. They were wonderful people,” She says and wipes a stray tear away, “Come on in,” She steps away from the door and Mr Parker walks in and I follow him looking at the ground. When I walk in the door I hear someone call my name unsurely. I look up and see Denner sitting in his normal seat, my seat next to him is empty and next to my seat is Blythe. I look at them and raise one corner of my mouth, they jump out of their seats and pull me into a hug.

“Oh Frances…” Blythe says and begins crying into my shoulder. She lifts her head and sniffs and stops crying wiping her eyes, “I’m sorry, I’ve missed you so much.”

“I’ve missed you too Blythe,” I whisper and hug her again. We part and I look at Denner, “Hello,” I say unsurely.

“If I haven’t told you before now, you’re like my big sister Frances and I love you like one,” He tells me and pulls me into a tight hug.

“I love you too Denner,” I whisper into his school shirt getting tears on it. He lets me go and I walk with them to our seats. Mr Parker nods at me and I smile then he leaves the room, Miss Augustus tells me she’ll fill me in soon and gives the rest of the class instructions.
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I'm sorry, I had to...