Status: Fin <3


Congratulations Jared, I HATE YOU!

The bell goes to signal the end of the day and I shut the hood of the car. I thank Mr Parker and Archer hugs him. I’m so amazed but then again Mr Parker is like a second father to Archer so I’m happy. I take the car back to the parking lot and pull on the football jersey Izack had given me the Christmas before Bronte was born. Archer and I walk into school and I see Denner. I look at Archer and we go look for Anna, deciding that Spencer can wait. Archer and I find Anna and she hugs me. I hug her back then we walk over the where my group sits and I see Jared’s group crowded around him over where they sit. I had completely forgotten about Archer and Jared’s fight. Spencer sees me and calls my name. Everyone looks at me then at Archer and they glare at us then back away a few steps. Denner sees them do this and he gives them all a look.

“Let’s go Frances, Jared lied to everyone about what happened, Mr Parker is holding a year meeting tomorrow about it,” Blythe puts her arm around Archer’s shoulders and Denner and Ash walk in front of us like they’re our bodyguards, their bodies all tense.
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filler chapter :) but I'm posting another one, I've finished the story now and I've started another story. I've reciently reunited with a boy i knew back when i lived in queensland and lately I've felt so inspired. I've started drawing and painting and singing again and I've been writing stories and songs and poems galore.