Status: Fin <3


I can't do that

Not much happens the next day, just the meeting and not many people are talking to me still on Thursday when I get a phone call at lunch when I’m sitting at my group’s picnic table. I look at the caller ID and see that it’s my Grandma. I answer it:


“Hey Frances,”

“Hi Grandma, what’s wrong?”

“Your Mum’s parents and your Poppy and I have been talking, we’ve decided that the three of you are going to come up here to Laidley and to live with us.”

“What?” I exclaim bursting into tears.

“Frankee, it’s what we think is best,”

“No, no, no, no, no, no, you don’t get understand, I can’t move to Queensland, I can’t Grandma,”

“But it’s what we’ve chosen…” Grandma says. I go to object but…

“Francesca McAllister give me that mobile phone now!” Sarge growls at me, I look up at him and show him my tear stained face.

“I’m sorry Sir but my Grandmother is on the phone to me, it’s about my parents and what is going to happen to my siblings and I. Mr Harvey said I could have it on to talk to her, but if you disagree you can take the phone and explain to her why she cannot talk to her eldest now dead son’s child,” I growl at him offended that Mr Harvey had not informed him that I’m allowed my phone on for this very phone call.

“Give me the phone,” He doesn’t back down. I look at him then shrug and hand him my mobile, “Mrs McAllister?” I faintly hear my Grandma yelling at Sarge and his face goes white. He apologises a few times and hands me the phone before walking off.

“Grandma are you still there?”

“Yes I am, look Frankee I’m flying down tonight, my plane gets to the airport at 7pm. Did you get your P’s on the weekend?”

“Yes I did, I’ve been driving to school all week,”

“Okay in that case I need you to come pick me up from the airport.”

“Okay Grandma, see you tonight,” I tell her and we say our goodbyes then she hangs up.