Status: Fin <3


Sometimes all you need are your best friends

I arrive home and turn the lights on, it’s empty and quiet, too quiet for even me so I pull out my mobile and call Aimee. I arrange for her and Blythe to sleep over for the night and she tells me that she’ll be over in 20 minutes. I walk downstairs and pull out the ingredients for Mark’s lasagne. I open a bottle of wine that my parents had received from their work and pour myself a glass. Soon the aroma from the lasagne sauces fills the house and I begin to feel at home. I go to the surround sound system and put in a Breaking Benjamin CD, I turn the volume up to 35 and press play. I jump at the sudden noise then let it engulf me as I go back to cooking. I build the lasagne in the tray then put it in the oven. I close the oven door and I faintly hear the doorbell.


“You know I think it’s going to be pretty cool living together Chizz,” Blythe tells me as we sit down at the table each with a glass of red wine and a plateful of lasagne.

“I think so too, the three of us, Denner, Spencer and the girls if we can get their parents to say yes,” I smile and sip my wine.

“We shouldn’t be drinking,” Aimee tells me.

“Mum and Dad used to always let me drink red wine with my lasagne, it’s weird to eat lasagne and not drink wine,” I tell her and place another forkful of lasagne in my mouth.

“So where will everyone sleep?” Blythe asks.

“Well we can go sort that out now if you want,” I tell her placing my plate and cutlery in the dishwasher. They place theirs in too and look at me.

“I think that will be a brilliant idea,” Blythe smiles and we all link arms and walk upstairs.

“I think I’m going to eventually move into Mum and Dad’s room,” I tell her standing in their doorway and looking at their room.

“Why?” Aimee asks me.

“Because Spencer and I will share a room, someone else can have my room,” I tell her, “Plus it’s the biggest and we’ll be the only ones sharing.”

“Are you sure you’ll be able to?” Blythe asks placing her arm around my shoulders.

“I’d rather it be me and Spencer than anyone else,” I tell her.

“Fair enough, in that case I want your room,” Aimee smiles and skips down to my room. I follow her and we decide who will be sleeping in what room. Ereka and Dylan will be in Archer’s room, Alysha and Flo in Anna’s, Denner in the games room, no one will be in the spare room and Blythe and Aimee in my room, leaving me and Spencer in my parent’s room, “So when will we all move in?” She asks overly excited.

“Well I don’t know, Annie and Archie only just moved out Aimz,” I tell her and a tear slides down my cheek.

“Aww hunny,” Blythe’s excitement disappears and they both pull me into a hug.

“I miss them already, I need you here otherwise I don’t know what I’d do,” I sob into Aimee’s shoulder.

“Well you have about three weeks to figure it out, plus Izack is coming down with Bronte so you can celebrate her second birthday, that will be good won’t it?” Aimee asks sitting me up and wiping the tears from my eyes.

“Yes, that will be good, oh my god what will Spencer think about it?” I ask and begin to freak out.

“He won’t mind, he was around when she lived here remember,” Aimee smiles at me and I grin.

“Yeah I remember,” I smile and we walk downstairs to watch a movie together.
♠ ♠ ♠
Three chapters left guys...