Status: Fin <3


I don't hate you, I just hate what I thought you did

I look at Frances as the others talk to Alysha.
“How are you lately?” I ask.

“I’m really good. How’s Tiffany or whoever that girl was?” Frances asks a little hostile.

“Don’t know,” I tell her unhappily.

“What were you two even doing?” Frances asks looking me in the eyes.

“She spilt coke all down her shirt so I was getting her one of mine and I turned around to hand it to her and she jumped on me,” I tell her the truth, “I’m sorry.”

“Oh, okay then. Doesn’t matter anyway, we’re not going out.” Frances sighs.

“I know, but I still feel bad,” I tell her.

“Don’t worry,” Frances sniffs.

“Aww baby,” I sigh and pull her into a hug.

“I’m not crying Zacky, I’m getting a cold,” Frances laughs and I let her go.

“Then why aren’t you in bed?” I ask her seriously.

“It’s almost October? My brother’s birthday it in a few weeks, this is the only chance I have to buy him a pressie,” Frances continues laughing.

“Oh, okay then, what you gonna get him?” I question.

“I was thinking of getting him that board,” Frances points to a skateboard in the back corner.

“Looks cool,” I admire.

“Yeh but I’m gonna get him different wheels, cause the ones that are on it suck,” Frances tells me picking up the wheels she wanted.

“Sweet,” I smile, “I missed talking to you.”

“It’s been less than a week since that party Zacky,” Frances grins and kisses my cheek. I look at her and she looks into my eyes. I study her greeny-blue eyes and lean in to kiss her again. She wraps her arms around my neck and I pull her into me, deepening the kiss.

“Naww so cute,” I hear Alysha say, I smile and Frances breaks the kiss.

“I missed you too,” she smiles at me.

“Well you wanna buy the board then come see a movie?” I ask her.

“Am I allowed?” Frances asks.

“Hey guys can Frances come watch the movie with us?” I call over to them.

“Yeah totally,” Jake grins.

“Aly you wanna watch a movie?” Frances asks.

“Yeah sure,” Alysha grins at the boys and returns to her conversation with them. Frances smirks and grabs the board, pays for it and the spare wheels. We walk out of the shop and head up to the movie cinema.
♠ ♠ ♠
Another filler... I promise the next one is actually important. Actually the next one is where the real story begins