Status: Fin <3


Road Trip

A week later and Blythe and I are putting Anna and Archer’s stuff into my car as soon as my car is full we put the rest of the stuff into Blythe’s car. We figured out that the trip will take us just over 15 hours. We will leave at 4am tomorrow morning so that we arrive at my grandparent’s place in Laidley by about 7pm. We finish packing the cars with Anna’s bookshelf, lamps and the paintings I did for her over the last week, Archer’s drum set, desk, which is packed down, his stereo system and the paintings that I had done him. Blythe and I walk back inside and down to the kitchen where we get out two eskies and fill them with ice, then we pack inside them water bottles, sandwiches, lollies and chips. We put our phones on charge and then go to bed.


I’m driving up the back roads on my way to Laidley, Spencer is in the passenger seat asleep and I smile, between his legs on the floor is the esky filled with our food for the day. It’s now 7am and I’ve been driving non stop for three hours. I shove Spencer awake and tell him to call Blythe and tell her to pull over at the next possible place. She tells us that she’s pulled in at a truck stop just after a small town and soon I pull in behind her. We get out the esky’s and Blythe wakes up Aimee who had volunteered to come with us. We all sit at a picnic table together and have breakfast, we go to the bathroom then after a quick walk around to stretch our legs we get back in the cars and set off again. Spencer and Aimee are now driving the cars, which means that Blythe and I can have some sleep. Before they even pull out Aimee calls to tell us that Blythe has fallen asleep. I laugh and look at Spencer he smiles at me and we end the call with Aimee.

“You ready to meet my Dad’s family?” I ask him.

“I sure am,” Spencer smiles, “It’s only been what five months, I think I’m entitled to meet your family.”

“Yeah, I warn you though, they’ll be pretty upset still after losing Mum and Dad,” I tell Spencer.

“Like you are?” Spencer glances over at me and chuckles when he sees the shock on my face, “Frankee, you’ve been crying yourself to sleep for the last two weeks, don’t tell me you haven’t I’ve been sleeping right next to you, hunny I love you and I care, your parents and your siblings were like my second family. You are my life sweet heart and I may not seem upset about it but I am, it feels like I’ve lost my family so I need you to know, if you ever need to talk to someone I’m here for you, you can tell me anything and I wouldn’t love you any less,” Spencer tells me and places his hand on my thigh.

“I love you too Spencer Riley,” I tell him and fall asleep.


The rest of the car ride up was uneventful, we swapped drivers every two to three hours and eventually I was back in the driver’s seat, I pulled out before Blythe seeing I knew the best way to get to my grandparents house which is halfway between Gatton and Laidley. I drive the back roads just like Dad used to, sharp turns and quick curves, making fun of the roads like Dad used to, eventually I turn into my grandparents’ driveway and slow down when I drive down the dirt track. I park in front of their house and Blythe parks next to me. We all get out of the car and I’m greeted by my grandparents dog Maddie, I pick her up and scratch her behind the ears then put her down and she runs back to where my Grandma is standing.

“Hello Frankee,” Grandma smiles and kisses my cheek.

“Hello Grandma,” I smile and kiss her back.

“Blythe, hello darling,” Grandma hugs Blythe who had been here a few times and had become part of my family.

“Hey Grandma, how you holding up?” Blythe asks her quietly.

“Like any mother who had lost her son and daughter,” Grandma tells her and kisses her cheek, “I’m just glad you four are all still here.”

“So am I Grandma,” Blythe hugs her once more then Grandma turns to Spencer.

“Hello Mrs McAllister,” Spencer extends his hand and Grandma laughs at him.

“This ones a funny one,” Grandma tells me then hugs Spencer, “You can either call me Grandma or Josephine, Mrs McAllister is too formal.”

“Umm okay,” Spencer shifts on his feet as he tries to decide what to call her.

“Grandma you remember Aimee don’t you?” I ask her and Grandma nods.

“Can’t forget you kiddo, that was a good night,” Grandma hugs Aimee and then we all walk upstairs to the house.


I walk into the lounge room and see my Poppy, Aunty Kelly, her husband Uncle Nathan and their two kids Joseph and Sophie, my Aunty Rose, her husband Uncle Noah and their three kids Christopher, Amandah and Gabbie who is only a month younger than Bronte, making her almost 2 years old.

“Hey guys,” I stand in the doorway awkwardly unsure of what to do.

“Oh Frankee!” Aunty Kelly and Aunty Rose jump from their seats and rush over to me pulling me into a hug.

“We missed you so much sweetheart,” Aunty Kelly tells me and begins to cry.

“Are you okay down in Sydney without family? Do you need me to come down and hang out with you? You know that I will if you need me, oh please are you okay?” Aunty Rose asks with Gabbie in her arms.

“I’m okay, it’s hard but I have a job at the café near home, you remember the one we went to last time you were down, and I took up the offer to play professional soccer,” I tell them and kiss each of them on the cheek. Gabbie is grabbing my shirt so Aunty Rose hands her to me and I look down at her, “Hello gorgeous, I take it you still remember me,” I smile and kiss her forehead.

“Of course she remembers you, she walks around the house looking for you and Bronte all the time,” Aunty Rose smiles, “Which reminds me I have her birthday present in the car, I can’t believe that she’s going to be two next week, it seems like yesterday that you told me you were pregnant with that little cutie.”

“Aww Aunty Rose, I miss her so much at the moment,” I smile at Aunty Rose and Aunty Kelly.

“Does Spencer know?” Aunty Rose asks and we all walk to sit down.

“Yeah, he used to see Bronte all the time when she was still living with me,” I tell her and sit on the floor with Gabbie.

“Fair enough, so where is he anyway, I thought you told us he was coming up with you, Blythe and Aimee,” Aunty Kelly asks.

“Not sure,” I kiss Gabbie’s forehead and stand up, I hug my Uncles and my Poppy then walk out of the room to look for Spencer and the girls.
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only two chapters left guys...