Status: Fin <3


It's more fun if you're afraid of being caught

An hour and a half later, the credits roll, I stop kissing Frances and smirk.

“What?” Frances asks.

“I think I watched like 3 minutes of that movie,” I tell her.

“Oh, hey Zacky, when do you go back home to Bargara?” Frances asks.

“On Monday.”

“Cool, your place or mine?”

“Which is closer?”

“Umm, I think yours.”

“Mine it is then,” I smile and we all walk out of the cinema.


We arrive at my hotel in the city 15 minutes later. The boys, Alysha, Frances and I walk into the lobby and catch the elevator up to our level. As we’re walking down to our rooms we spot our couch.
“Boys what did I tell you about bringing girls up to your rooms? You aren’t even allowed to do anything with them! Do you realise how much trouble I’ll be in if your parents find out?” Coach Reynolds asks us.

“Hey Coach Reynolds, it’s been a while.” Frances smiles at him.

“Do I know you?” Coach Reynolds asks her.

“That’s Frances, she used to play on the girl’s team and ours.” I tell him.

“Oh I remember now, you moved here to Sydney. How you going Frances?” He asks her.

“Pretty good thanks, I was so amazed when me and my friend Alysha ran into the boys. It was pretty hot so we decided to come back and get a drink,” Frances explains, “Is that okay Coach?”

“Yeah it is, I’ll see you all later,” Coach Reynolds smiles and walks off. We continue on to our jointed room and walk in laughing.

“Good one Frances,” Nick smiles as we crack open drinks.

“No problems boys, I see you can’t get by without me very well,” Frances grins.

“Nar we can’t bullshit like you can,” Jake smirks and we all agree.


“Come on Frances,” I whisper taking her hand and leading her to my room quietly. We kiss as I lock and bar the door. Then I put a rubber on as she takes off her bra. We kiss and lower ourselves onto the bed. We take off the rest of out clothes and start making love. We both orgasm 8 times before we call it quits a few hours later. Frances collapses on top of me exhausted and I place a hand on her back.

“Wow, I didn’t know you could do that.”

“Neither did I,” I grin out of breath.

“It was the most fun I’ve ever had,” Frances smiles and kisses me, we kiss until I hear someone softly knock on the door.

“Who is it?” I ask from under Frances.

“Its Aly, the Coach is looking for you Izack, the boys said that you went for a walk, but he’ll be back soon, he said 5 minutes,” Alysha tells us through the door.

“Oh shit, umm okay, we’ll be right out,” I tell her and go to sit up.

“What’s your rush solider?” Frances asks playfully kissing my neck.

“Seriously if Coach finds out about this he’ll kick me off the team.”

“Fine, you’re cute when you’re worried,” Frances frowns and gets off me and begins pulling on her clothes. I throw on all my things and Frances walks into the other room. A minute later my coach walks in there with my brother Brent.


“Where’s Izack?” Coach asks them.

“I think he just got back from his walk, I heard someone in the room next door,” Frances tells him.

“Ok, thank-you. Oh wait, where were you when I was in here before?”

“In the bathroom.”

“Oh, okay then…” Coach looks at her as if he doesn’t believe her.

“It's that time of the month Coach…that’s why I took so long in there.”

“I really didn’t need to know all that Frances,” Coach blushes and leaves the room with Brent to go to the room I’m in. I guess they don’t know about the joint doors yet because as soon as they finish talking to me I slip into the room where everyone is waiting.


“Frances I need to talk to you.”

“What’s wrong? Did we get busted?”

“No something else…”

“Well spit it out hun, I’m not a mind reader,” Frances jokes.

“The condom broke,” I tell her concerned.

“It what?”

“When I took it off it was split,” I explain.

“Well hun you were shooting pretty hard,” Frances giggles.

“I guess but don’t you wanna take a pill or something?” I ask her obviously more concerned than she is.

“Nar, I’ll be fine. I doubt much got in hun, it may have broken right at the end,” Frances tells me brushing it off.

“Okay then, that’s probably what happened anyway,” I chuckle and walk back to the group.
♠ ♠ ♠
Well there you go, the real story begins :)