You're My Keeper

Your Words Are Lost

Her body laid on the cruddy ground; motionless. Mari's breathes became shorter by the second and her body felt frozen by the numbing snow surrounding her. Trembling, she struggled to curve into a ball. The tears were stained on her cheeks as they turned rosy pink from the stinging temperature. Mari was sure that this time, no one could be able to save her.

“H-Help me!” Her lips quivered but her voice came to be no louder than a whisper. Her heart pumped slower and slower as her breathing ceased to shiver, having her exhaling becoming long and almost never ending, as if her life was being sucked out from her body. Yet, the beautiful snow continued to fall, as it covered the dead and purified the world. Imari closed her eyes as she accepted fate.

The snow made a pleasing noise as foot steps arose. They began to get closer and closer to Mari. A dark shadow cast down on her, as they stood in front of her; staring. Mari's eyes were glued shut, as she became to dream of nothingness.

The young boy kneeled down and placed his hands in a position to grab hold of her, ready to lift her up. And without a word, he stood up, bringing her head close to his chest as her legs dangles over his left arm. Mari moaned as she managed to squeeze her eyes open to the tiniest bit. Only able to take a blurring glance, she whispered before the darkness consumed her again, “Why?”

The clock continued to work as it made its annoying sound, ticking away. Imari carefully opened her eyes, as she felt a huge throb against her head, which pulsed rapidly, almost as if it were to explode. It took her a while before she could obtain her correct vision.

She looked around and noticed that she was in a hospital and that pair of dark eyes were peeking inside her room. The door let out a small crack as it quickly shut closed. Her heart jumped as she threw the sheets off of her and fell on the floor, unable to stand because of her low energy and great injures. Her wrists bleed and shook as she put pressure on them, attempting to push herself up.

“Wait!” She shouted as she forced herself, opening newly sewed up wounds. Pushing the door open so hard that it slammed, she forced herself out into the hall. She leaned her body to the wall, as she caught her breathe, “Come back!”

The people walked by, and she could not find him. Her head throbbed faster as the people walked slower to her vision, all different faces but his, and her confusion grew.

“Miss, you need to go back and rest, your not recovered yet!” warned a nurse as she rushed to Mari and helped her back to her room. And in the corner of her eyes, she watched him watch her before the door shut close.

“There, you go...” The nurse whispered and she injected a shot into Imari's arm as she laid in bed,” You can rest now....”

“Why...Why...did he save me?” She groaned before she knocked out.