Sequel: The Fifth World 2

The Fifth World


Bo: I sighed unhappily. It's good to see him but not good at the same time. I'm still mad at Cynric. But I know the anger towards him won't last long. I can't help it.

"I'm seventeen."

He raised an eyebrow, "I just left your seventeen year old self at the Academy."

I felt my mouth open slightly as I took a few steps towards him, I can feel the excitement within me, "I go to the Academy when I'm seventeen?" He smiles at me and nods his head. I don't even notice Janine's staring at us both. I didn't think I'd be excited to go to the Academy. For years I've been declining Cynric's invitations to go there. My family is all I think about. I care about them so much. I love them so much. What decision would make me go away to the Fifth World and leave my family? I hope I'm not selfish.

"Am I okay?" I ask him.

He nods his head, "it's your first day. You're settling in alright, you're a bit nervous but so are the other new students." I wonder what it'll be like. I smile at him and yawn.

"She's hungry," Janine says abruptly, "you should go get us some food."

Cynric smiles at me and speaks to Janine but doesn't even look at her, "or," he suggested whilst looking at me, "you can go home, Janine, while Bo and I go out to dinner."

"Or in my case lunch." I say. Janine turns her body around entirely to Cynric, sends him a dirty look and without looking back at me she leaves Cynric's house. Cynric stands there before me and it is silent.

He then holds his hand out to me and smiles, "dinner?"

I nod my head and we leave his home. Time was passing quickly. By the time Cynric and I got to this fabulous restaurant he was talking about it was dark.
On arrival I looked up at the building which looked just like Cynric's cottage for a home, but maybe a little bigger. I raised an eyebrow. This can't be a restaurant. Where are all the people? Without a word Cynric holds open the door for me and I enter, he follows. It is a home much like his.

I turn to him, look at him curiously and can't help but smile, "where are we?"

"Bo! Cynric!" I hear a loud and high pitched voice. I turn around to see a young woman, mid twenties or so, with long and golden hair that is put into one plait. She grins at me, has her arms wide open and wraps them around me. I hesitate but hug her back. I hear Cynric chuckle quietly. The woman uncoils herself from around me and smiles when she sees Cynric. She kisses his cheek and leads us into her dining room.

"By the way, Bo," I hear Cynric call, "this is Nancy. She's like my sister." I nod my head and go to ask a question but I stop myself. Maybe I shouldn't find out all of this information. Maybe I should just leave it until it all happens in the future. I bite my tongue so I won't ask anymore questions.

"Cynric," Nancy says and sits down at the dining table which is covered in plenty of food, colorful dishes, tropical fruits, sweet scents, my stomach rumbles and my mouth begins to water, "have you forgotten? You already introduced Bo and I yesterday..."

I wonder about my other self, somewhere she is out there, at this Academy, probably sleeping. At the moment, there is two of me in the Fifth World. It's strange to think about. For years I've never wanted to come here and now, at this very moment, there are two of me here.

Cynric smiled as he sat down, I sat down beside him, "this isn't the Bo you met. Well, it is... but this Bo is from the past."

Nancy's eyes lit up and she grinned at me as she sat down at the head of the table. "Oh my goodness, I'm so sorry!" She said excitedly, "This is so exciting! I'm a Time Jumper too!"
"Really?" I asked her excitedly, she nodded her head. I know I've only known this girl for a few minutes... but she is really lovely. Honestly. After some long conversations, and my stomach screaming for me to eat we finally picked up our knives and forks. After serving the many salad's and other dishes onto our dinner plates we sat down and cut up our perfectly cooked steak. I'm so hungry I could eat a horse. And then there was a pulling feeling and I suddenly felt panicked.

"Oh god," I hissed and everyone looked up at me, "I'm going-"

And as I expected I was gone. I appeared in the bathroom at school, through the window I could see darkness. How long have I been gone?