Sequel: The Fifth World 2

The Fifth World

Mr Huxley

Cynric: This is so strange. I have seen Bo today, twice. I spent almost the entire day with her. It felt wrong, in many ways, to leave her at the Academy tonight. But she wanted me to leave and I had to anyway. And then I came home, after I took my detour through the market, and Janine had already made it home. But she wasn't alone. Bo was there. The Bo from the past, the Bo that hasn't been to the Fifth World before. Until now.

I have just gotten back from Nancy's house. Unfortunately Bo didn't stay long enough to enjoy her cooking. I wish she could have but I am glad that Nancy and Bo met and spoke. A lot. I sigh as I sit in my bed, my white clothes draped across the bed frames. My satchel open across my bed. I pull out the envelope Janine had handed me earlier. I sigh deeply.

To Mr Cynric Huxley,

It is in society's and the people's best interest that you attend a session of parliament to be held tomorrow afternoon. Your presence will be gratefully appreciated and unique abilities rewarded.



I sigh again. Alfred; he is an Angelican, and I guess you could say, probably the head of parliament. Prime Minister? King? President? I'm not entirely sure what to say he is. He is just the head of parliament and has been so for many years.
He even knew Bo's parents. Once. A long time ago.
Going to parliament probably wouldn't be a good idea - knowing that Bo is here and all. I think I'd like to keep all possibilities in her past being revealed a secret. And a good one at that. However, not assisting parliament would be seen as disrespectful and immoral... and who knows what secret and corrupt plans they could cook up in order to see me fall. Whatever falling that may be. Do I want to risk it?
I have to. It is government. I cannot just reject their request. It is not that easy. It is difficult. Alright, I'll do it. I have to. I may even find information about some things. Things that I must know. That are relevant to Bo. To me.
I yawn and crawl underneath the blankets. A million thoughts run through my mind; the smell and taste of Nancy's food, the way Janine stared at me tonight when she gave me the envelope, when Bo arrived from the past, when I cooked breakfast for Bo this morning... and then just Bo. Her face. Her. Her eyes. Her black hair. Her pale skin. Her swift walk. The softness and gentleness in her voice. Her laugh. Her smile. And then I fell asleep.

Bo: It is dark. It is humid, wet but warm, there is no breeze. I wonder where I am. I squint and shiver. It may be warm but I am wearing a skimpy nightie. Why am I in the middle of a street? I groan loudly, look up at the sky and silently ask WHY? With an angry huff I hurry to the sidewalk. I am in suburbia. But there is one house, the house I am directly in front of that is particularly familiar. I instantly smile and begin to run down it's driveway.
The brick house. Red, brown bricks. A tan coloured door. Australian accents. Blond heads. Big smiles. Warm hugs. This is Callahan's family. I run towards the window, notice that the lights are on in the front room I am looking into. I see people. My aunty Willow, my uncle Sam, my cousin Billy and my other cousin Grace. Then two other familiar faces across from them. Adam. Mum. Enormous smiles on their faces as they chat.
I am then ripped from the home and pushed right back into bed.

It was strange waking up in the morning, a new bed, a new room, a new home. To my surprise, Felicity was right there beside, her red hair spilled across her pillow and the evenness of her breathing. She looks so innocent, so vulnerable. I notice the highness of her cheekbones, the narrowness of her face. She could be quite pretty - if only she didn't hide behind all of the hostility. I realise, she is human. Too. She maybe evil or may have the capabilities of being evil... but she is still human. Surely there are some traits there that can relate to me.
I am up early, showered, dressed, smelling fresh and clean, all before Cynric's arrival. He is there when Felicity has just awoken. Solomon is there not even five minutes later.

"You have not even unpacked," Solomon says to Felicity.

She rolls her eyes, "I'll do it when I have time."

"Today you have Fifth World History and Jumper training." Cynric says to me and hands me my timetable. I raise an eyebrow. Two classes in one day? That's it?

"What about traveling? When are my classes for traveling? I already know how to control jumping, it's traveling I need!"

Cynric hands me some notebooks, a pencil, he smiles, "tomorrow. Let's go."

"You're British," I hear Felicity say, I automatically look over towards her, she is staring at me, "where in England are you from?"

I look at her strangely, up and down, strange. "Manchester."

Her expression doesn't change, it stays strong, plain, "I'm from London."

"Oh," I say, it is the only thing I can think of saying. I don't know what to say to her. I notice, at the corner of my eye, how Cynric smiles, he then places his hand on my elbow and leads me out of the room. I don't even say goodbye to Solomon or Felicity.

"She's so strange," I say to Cynric. He nods his head and walks ahead of me, he whistles, hums, continuously, I wonder what is making him so nervous - he's definitely doing a good job at not telling me. I won't even bother asking about it.

"Where are we going?" I ask him once we leave the dorms. We are now walking through the common room, there are many other female students in here, I'm the only one with an Angelican beside me.

"Fifth World History," Cynric answers. We don't speak until we arrive at the classroom, surrounded by students in the corridors. I then remember, Fifth World History has everyone - Shape Shifters, Angelicans, Time Jumpers and Thornes. Great.

"I'll come and get you after history," he says to me. I automatically take his arm in my hand.

"No," I say, "where are you going?"

"I have some things to do, some people to see," he answers automatically. He's hiding something.

"Please, Cynric." I hiss, "don't leave me, please."

He stares at me, his eyes completely strained. He wants to stay. I know he does... but something is holding him back - wherever it is he may be going and who may be there. He has to go. I then release his arm from my grasp. Slowly. He keeps his eyes on me and then raises that arm, his hand touches my cheek, caresses it, so gently, so dangerously. Anybody around us could read into this move - or not even at all. It could be just a friendly gesture, a comforting gesture, from an Angelican to whomever they are guiding. Nothing more. Oh, but it is. I can't help loving Cynric and it is killing me inside not to be able to love him.
His hand drops.

"I'll be here after class," he says and then he is gone.