Sequel: The Fifth World 2

The Fifth World

We Are On The Run

Cynric: "Come with me now," I hiss at Bo.

I have been waiting for her for the last few seconds. I am in the hallway, outside of her classroom, Fifth World History has just ended. I take the sleeve of her shirt in my hand and I pull her with me. We hurry through the corridors.

"What is it?" she asks me, a little alarmed with my speed and tone of voice.

I stop. There's little time.

I put my hands on her shoulders, I stare at her face, "Bo, I need you to do something for me."


"Jump to your dorm room, pack your bags, bring only the things you need and then jump to my home, do you understand?" I can feel my eyes bulging out of my eye sockets.

My hands are gripping her shoulders so carefully, so tightly, I am afraid for her. By the time I get to her dorm room she would probably have arrived at my house. I mustn't be in public for too long. There are a lot of people who must speak to me. Especially that Angelican who wanted me to be stopped back in parliament house. He followed me, everyone followed me, somehow I got out of there alive and unharmed. Time Jumpers tried to catch me and almost did but I got away before they could get a good grip on me.
I don't know who that Angelican is but he certainly seems wise... and whatever his power is, his gift, it must be better than mine, stronger. What would give him the idea for me to be stopped? Does he know about the Thorne I was touching? Or did he some kind of recognition on my face? Or, did he see everything that I saw?
Was he somehow... reading my mind?

"What about you?" Bo asks me, she is panicking, her fingers grip helplessly at my white shirt. I honestly don't know about myself. I don't know what I'm going to do. I just have to hope that I'll meet her at home.

"I'll be fine," I say to her, "now go."

She stares at me, her chest moving up and down fast and then she is gone.

Bo: I appear in my dorm room, pick up every item of clothing I can find and throw it all into my bag. I don't know what the hell is going on but I can't stay here. Maybe they know. They must know about me. That's why Cynric is making me run. I pick up photos of Mum, Adam and Dad. I fold them and stick them in my pocket. I grab almost everything and don't look back to see what I have missed. I throw my bag over my shoulder and then I jump to Cynric's home. He isn't there. The house is dark and silent. I breath heavily and very quietly as I move from room to room, making sure that I am alone.

"Cynric?" I call but there is nobody around.

I can feel sweat on the nape of my neck, my face is hot. I don't even know why I am afraid. Just the look on Cynric's face, the fear in his eyes... it scares me to see him like that. I keep my bag over my shoulder. I may have to get moving at any time, so I need it to be close. I decide to rest on his sofa, hoping that maybe he'll come. I only left him a couple of minutes ago. It will take him a good fifteen minutes to make it here by foot. I sigh, put my feet up and close my eyes. I drift for a few minutes but am alarmed when I hear a pounding on his door. There is shouting. Several voices. I automatically stand up and run towards a window. There are a group of people, a woman with dark skin, dark hair that is braided and strange black attire. My heart is pounding. I see some other Angelicans, and then some other people who look like Shape Shifters and Time Jumpers.

"Cynric Huxley!" a deep voice yells. "Open the door, we will break it down if you do not comply!"

"It's not him! It's the girl!" a males voice yells.

Oh no. Oh no. Oh no. I get away from the window as quickly as I can and then I jump to the only other home I have been to in the Fifth World. Within a second I am standing in Nancy's house. It is empty. I hurry around, again I go from room to room, nobody is home. I can feel my heart pounding, my hands begin to sweat. I go towards the windows, look around for any familiar faces but there is no one I recognise. I pull the drapes closed until there is no light left in Nancy's large house. What about Cynric? What if he shows up at home? He could get caught! I consider jumping back but what good would that do? All that will happen will be me running into whoever it was that was after him and from the amount of people I saw and the way they appeared... they look like they could be the government or something.

I jump and appear in a street somewhere in Hargon. A street that is close to Nancy's house. I begin to run, aimlessly, I have no idea where I am going. I just know that I have to find Cynric. For all I know he could be running down the hill that leads up to the Academy, he could be almost home at this very moment... or he could be in shackles, pushed up against a brick wall and having people demand for him to speak.

"Cynric!" I scream loudly, I catch some glances of people walking by and then for some unknown reason that is completely unclear to me, I feel tears running down my cheeks.
"Cynric!" I notice how some people are beginning to look at me as if I am crazy.

"Bo?" I hear a voice, a familiar voice, but unfortunately it is not the voice I want to hear. I turn around, see a woman with bright red hair coming my way and I sigh - I'm not sure if it is in relief or not. I run towards Janine.

"Janine," I say with a shaky voice, "you have to help, I think Cynric's in trouble. We have to find him!"

The moment I say Cynric's name a look of fear comes across her beautiful face. She nods her head once as my fingers grasp her forearms. Please, Janine, help us. "What is it?" she asks me, "what happened? Tell me everything." She puts an arm around me and begins to lead me down some streets, we arrive at some more centuries old buildings and she leads me into one, we walk up a staircase and she unlocks a door with a very old metal key. I guess this is where she lives. It's like an apartment. Everything is neat and tidy, fresh flowers are in vases, everywhere, paintings of wonderful landscapes line the walls and pretty much everything else is white.

"I don't know," I hiss, "but Cynric told me to go back to my dorm, pack my things and go to his house. Then there people banging on the door, and a woman dressed in black and someone said 'the girls inside' so I jumped to Nancy's. I'm so worried about Cynric. What do I do, Janine? What do I do?"

I can see the worry in her eyes, she then sat me down on her sofa, it is white and covered in cushions. It is very comfortable. I watch her run to each window, close it and pull the drapes. Lastly, she runs to her balcony that overlooks the street, she takes a quick look outside and then comes back in, closes the door behind her.

"Stay here, Bo," she says to me, softly but with a worried tone, "I'll look for Cynric. I'm going to lock the door on the way out, do not answer it - not for anyone. Do you understand me?"

I nod my head. I watch her, as her long white dresses flows as she runs through her apartment, and then as her red hair bounces when she leaves. I hear her lock the front door and then I am waiting, in this beautiful, old and vintage apartment, for hers and Cynric's return to me.