Sequel: The Fifth World 2

The Fifth World

Derek Brown

Cynric: Whilst walking the night streets with Bo, I think about home and how different this world, the Average Human world is to the Fifth World. The Fifth World used to be a harmonious place, a place where nothing is wrong and everything is right. For hundreds of years the Fifth World was like a heaven. That was until the discovery, some thousand years ago or so of the humans that nobody ever new existed - the Thornes. Evil creatures. The Fifth World changed when they came into it. For hundreds of years the Thornes had lived in the mountains, underground. They appeared to be just like us, like every other human, except they seemed to be always determined, focused, concentrating.

Sometimes I wonder if the Fifth World is safer than the Average Human world. Everyone in the Average Human world is different, some can be evil, some can be the most pleasant of humans. But none of the Average Human's have the capabilities that the Fifth World Humans have and because of that I wonder if it safer for Bo to stay here, to live among the Average Humans.

You see, Angelicans can have unique gifts, not all Angelicans have them, but some can. I never told Bo about mine because I didn't want her to know about her past - about why she is really here.
My unique gift is seeing into the past of anyone I wish, one touch of their skin can give me their entire life played out like a movie in just seconds. So, basically, in just seconds I can figure out who a person is, their motives, their desires, their weaknesses, every little secret that they hide is now known to me. The past is a strange thing and it usually is full of many secrets that the person doesn't even know about. Take Bo for example. She believes that her parents were Time Jumpers, that for some unknown reason they put her here maybe because they were on the run or something. She even believed once that her parents were part of the government and that the Thornes must have tried to hunt them down because they made bad decisions. She was half right.

"You seem impatient," I observed her as she was fastening her pace by the second, "if you want you can just teleport there."

She rolled her eyes, "I could go shopping in Paris and be back to your side by the time you reach the end of the block." She pointed to the next street which was about ten houses away. I smiled softly.

"Go then," I said to her, "if you wish."

She shrugged and shook her head. There are many secrets in Bo's past and those secrets can explain why it took so long for her to be able to travel through time. Those secrets are why she is here in the Average Human world. I sigh as I begin to think about the truth.
There are few laws within the Fifth World, the main law is ultimate secrecy of our existence and the other is that Fifth World Humans must reproduce with one of their own kind - if they break this law their offspring can have the potential to be an unstoppable superhuman.

The Fifth World government has only one house. It consists of twenty one chairs. The Angelicans are head of the government which is understandable because Angelicans are probably the fairest of humans. There was some controversy over that for a while but it was all settled not too long later. Anyway, Bo's parents, named Evee and Johnson were both in the government. Evee was a Time Jumper. Johnson was an Angelican.
So, basically, these two politicians had broken one of the only laws in the Fifth World. They had fallen in love, which is inevitable anyway if society encourages the four different humans to live among another, and Evee had fallen pregnant with a child. The Thornes were the first to discover this scandal, I'm not sure how they found out, but they did. The Thornes wanted Evee's and Johnson's unborn child so they could use it as a tool. They believed that this child could help them gain power to take over the Fifth World and the Average Human World. The Thornes were after Johnson and Evee who had escaped to the Average Human World and were determined to hide among them and live an Average Human life. The Government of the Fifth World had realized that two of their government bodies had mysteriously disappeared and they had eventually put the pieces together. The Fifth World Government and the Thornes were all searching for Evee and Johnson.
After Bo was born the location of the family was discovered by the Thornes. Evee and Johnson knew that they couldn't run forever and bringing their child with them would risk their childs life. Johnson came up with an idea.

An Average Human that Johnson used to watch over when he was younger was living nearby, his name was Callahan and he had just married a beautiful woman named Theresa. They wanted a family and Johnson knew that these newlyweds would provide a good life for their daughter, Bo, and they were right. Bo was left on their doorstep one Christmas Eve and her parents were never heard of or found again. Some say the government found and executed them for breaking the law, others say the Thornes found them and found no child so killed them anyway, there is also the idea that they died whilst on the run and maybe that they are living in the Average Human world planning to never return to the Fifth World again.

"What are you going to do to him?" Bo asked me as we crossed the street. It is a cold and wet night. But I'm not cold. Not really. I barely feel the cold. I am always warm. That is another good trait of being an Angelican.

I shrugged, "I could kill him but I'm sure that the government would realize that their only failing Angelican has in fact killed an Average Human."

Bo chewed on her lip, "you're failing? Failing what?"

I shrugged, "I'm the only Angelican I know that hasn't persuaded their assigned Fifth World Human to go back to the Fifth World. Some do it within days, some do it in a year or so. I still haven't even had you consider leaving since you were eleven."

She raised an eyebrow, "Are there more like me? Are there other Fifth World Humans that think they're sick or mutated or something and live like me? In the Average Human world?"

I nodded my head, "of course, there are many and the government can trace them easily. When an Angelican is eighteen and they finish learning at the Fifth World Academy they are assigned a Fifth World Human that is living in the Average Human World. They must go to them each night and try to persuade them to leave this world and go back with them so they can learn to use their powers and learn about the world where they belong. Once persuading this Fifth World Human, they take them back, let them settle in at the Academy and once that is done they are assigned Average Humans to watch over, to monitor."

"And you've never watched over an Average Human? It's always been me?" she asked me. I nodded my head. When I was eighteen I was assigned to Bo. I'm twenty six now and still look of an eighteen year old - because Angelicans don't age once they reach eighteen - and I keep asking Bo but she keeps declining. I know eventually I will give up.

"They can track me down?" Bo asked me, "That should be illegal."

I shook my head, "only children or adults that still don't know how to use their powers properly. If a Fifth World Human who has lived in the Fifth World decides to live in the Average Human world, they cannot be tracked down." It's complicated. The government knows all about it. I'm just an Angelican who is failing, I don't know everything.

Bo sighed, she is disappointed, she hoped that maybe the government could track down her parents, her real parents, just in case if they were living in this world. Unfortunately, because I can only see Bo's past and not her parents pasts, I do not know where they are. "We're here. This is Derek's house."