Sequel: The Fifth World 2

The Fifth World

My Love

Cynric: "Alyssa!" I yell as loud as I possibly can.

I can feel the saliva spitting from my mouth. It is a strange feeling to experience, I feel completely helpless. There is nothing for me to do but yell and scream amongst this chaos as the bleeding Bo lies quite limp in my arms.

"Alyssa!" I yell again. "Somebody help me!"

People are everywhere, bodies are everywhere. While there may be so many people around us right now I know that there are probably twice as many corpses lying across the fields. I can feel my insides churning... an aching pain scream from my heart. This can't be it. There is more to Bo's life than all of this. I have seen it. I know it. There has to be a way out.

"Somebody help me!" I scream. I can't even feel the pain from any of my injuries. Nothing. All I feel is Bo... her body... right there... her eyes still open and I can hear her breathing... but the noises she makes are becoming even more quiet. Her blood covers my hands. I have some across my chest. I finally come to a larger clearing where there are plenty more people. I lift Bo further into my chest. I hold her tight. My arms ache as do my legs. I am running out of time. She's heavy.

"Nancy!" I scream as loud as I can, "anybody!"

There is everyone. Everyone who fights at this single moment is probably right in front of me scattered amongst an even bigger clearing... if they do not fight right now they are probably dying. I can hear swords clanging together, grunts and hisses... this is hell.
I feel a breeze brush passed me but it isn't a natural breeze. I almost die then and there when the worst comes to mind - a Thorne has come for Bo and I. I am almost full of glee when I realise that it is no evil Thorne at all. It is Felicity. She stops in front of me and before I know it she has taken Bo's body from me and into her own arms. She lifts Bo with little effort.

"Find Nancy," Felicity says to me. "She can help us."

My eyes linger on Bo's face. I've never seen her so pale. Felicity adjusts Bo's position and I watch Bo's head ark up, her neck straighten and she screams when I notice Felicity's hand touch her wound on her back. My fists tighten.

"Watch it!" I hiss at her.

Felicity sends a death stare my way, she speaks through gritted teeth, "Cynric, find someone. I will protect her."

I close my eyes and imagine Bo's face... full of life, full of colour... no pain at all. That is the only thing that keeps me going... the need to see her face like that again. Each step I take away from her and Felicity, I can feel my heart shatter a little. I even feel a few tears run down my cheeks. I run by people and I try to dodge several swords that almost pierce me... but something protects me. Each way I move, each position and each step I take... every dodge, nothing hits me. There are hundreds of people here and the Thornes definitely out number us... but even then, I am fine. Even if a Thorne spots me... I am able to either run away from them or very quickly defend myself and hurt them enough to get them to leave me alone.

"Alyssa!" I scream loudly.

After a few more minutes of screaming a woman appears at my side. Long red hair. Blood and grit mixed through it. A white dress covered in smears of blood and dirt. There are tears everywhere.

"Janine!" I say and almost jump on her. "You must help me! Bo is in trouble!"

Her hand touches my cheek and she stares at me with those beautiful eyes, "Cynric, Alyssa is over there. I am sorry but I cannot help you."

I follow where her finger points and in the distance in a long, pale, musky pink dress I spot Alyssa. Janine disappears. Alyssa, the beauty, almost throws her dagger into a Thorne and very cruelly slits a thin line across his chest. He growls at her and launches himself back and then forward to her but it is too late... it only takes her a few words to send him flying backwards... his body being driven right through a fellow humans sword. Caine's sword. Caine looks at Alyssa, nods his head and silently congratulates their teamwork. He then moves amongst the crowds of people.

"Alyssa!" I yell out to her, "please, you must help-"

I am struck in the back of the head and the world becomes a strange colour... to strange for me to recognise. I feel my head ache and I turn around slowly to see a man, a young man, attractive enough to be an Angelican but clearly evil enough to be a Thorne, his eyes are black almost. His body is thick, especially his arms, his skin an olive colour, kissed by the sun. He has long and dark dreadlocks.
He stares at me, the darkest most deadliest stare I have ever seen in my life. To this Thorne, this young Thorne, nothing in his world matters... other than me. The only thing he wants, the only thing he craves is my death right now. He wants to kill me.
I don't have time for this. My head still stings, so severely but right now all I can do is protect myself... I just need to get back to Bo. That's all that matters.

"It would be wise of you to just kill yourself now, Angelican," the Thorne says to me.

His voice is so deep yet at the same time... so young... like a child's.

"If anyone dies today, it is you." I respond to him.

He laughs once and it is almost silent, barely a sound from his throat, "what is your name, Angelican? No human has ever stood up to me, that is unless they are unaware of who I am."

"And who are you?" Why would I tell him my name?

He laughs again, barely a sound, "I am Colt and you will die before you even realise it."

I try to look over his shoulder as I know that somewhere behind him are Felicity and Bo. Bo. I don't care if this is it, if this truly is it... I just need to see her. If I remember her face like it is now... almost lifeless, then it is better than having this Thornes face being the last thing my eyes see forever. I see red hair... a deep red... I know that red, that is Felicity... I see her kneeling on the ground, Bo's body lying in front of her... I then see a pale pink dress and long dark hair over Bo's face. I feel my heart begin to pound. It is as if the world is slowing down... nothing else matters. This Thorne, Colt, I may be the centre of his universe right now... but that does not mean he is the centre of mine. Bo is. Hell, Colt isn't even in my vision right now. All I see is Bo and Felicity and Alyssa. Bo's body on the ground... Felicity's hands around her... Alyssa's hand touching her forehead... I take in a deep breath as I watch Bo's closed eyelids move a little but they do not open. A rosiness returns to her cheeks and I watch how Felicity slips her hand beneath Bo, towards her back. Felicity smiles softly as tears rush down her face. I can only hope that she has discovered a healed wound. A completely healed wound. A pink colour fills Bo's lips... those beautiful lips. Her hand which is resting across the grass slowly moves... her fingers curling so slowly. So perfectly. I feel myself smile as the tears rush down my face. Thank god for Alyssa and her Angelican gift.

Bo, Bo, Bo.

I can almost feel her in my arms... my fingertips touching her soft skin, her lips... I can taste her breath... feel her arms around me and mine around her... I can hear her laugh, her voice.

The only thing stands between me and her... is this Thorne. Colt. My eyes finally leave Bo, and it hurts to do so, but I look up at the Thorne, this disgusting Thorne and I prepare to kill him. I will kill him.