Status: **Fixing up grammar and format- hopefully will get struck with inspiration**

Love from, Hell

Julie is a smart girl who thinks she's ordinary. However, her compassion, trust, and ability to see through façades makes her stronger than she realizes.

Malcolm is an extraordinary boy. He is the prince of Hell, with a conflicted, depressed soul. However, when he meets Julie, she opens up an entirely new world to him...

A dark love story: romance, melodrama, and fantasy brought to reality; all in one epic package.
Enjoy =]

Warning: this story was first drafted out over 3 years ago and was considerably influenced by the dark tone of 'Twilight'. Its my personal take on that similar, dark kind of love story, but you have now been warned =}
  1. Chapter 1: Parenting
    King Lucifer and Queen Adrienne discuss their son (and our dark hero) Malcolm.
  2. Chapter 2: Dead Language
    We meet Malcolm, the dark protagonist.
  3. Chapter 3: Two Worlds
    We meet Julie, our heroine. And Malcolm makes an appearance.
  4. Chapter 4: Collide
    And Julie falls into Malcolm's path...
  5. Chapter 5: Unreal
    Malcolm and Julie meet properly.
  6. Chapter 6: Armour
    Malcolm (to her bewilderment) takes Julie to breakfast.
  7. Chapter 7: Homeward Bound
    Julie needs somewhere to go and realizes she's going to need Malcolm's help to get there.
  8. Chapter 8: Bugs
    Malcolm and Julie start their drive and stop to have some lunch
  9. Chapter 9: More Bugs
    Several things happen to Malcolm and Julie when they pull into a gas station
  10. Chapter 10: Red light
    Julie actually confronts Malcolm about his strange anger.
  11. Chapter 11: Nourishment
    Julie and Malcolm stop at a motel (oooh? hehe). Chapter (and majority of entire story) from Julie's POV
  12. Chapter 12: To Stay Focused
    Julie takes a shower, and then steps out of the bathroom to find Malcolm ...
  13. Chapter 13: Friendly Questions
    Malcolm and Julie check out of the motel and continue on their journey.
  14. Chapter 14: Strudel
    Malcolm drops Julie off at her home, but does he leave?
  15. Chapter 15: A Hero Everyday
    Malcolm (to his bewilderment) performs a chore.
  16. Chapter 16: What to Make of it
    Malcolm has dinner with Julie and her parents.
  17. Chapter 17: Save Me
    Julie and Malcolm prepare lunch and do chores...
  18. Chapter 18: Full of Surprises
    "We can try being friends..." He said. "Try?" Julie asked. "I'll try," He amended...
  19. Chapter 19: Looking for the Wrong Thing
    We take a quick trip to Hell and then are brought back to Malcolm and Julie's world.
  20. Chapter 20: Block Buster
    Malcolm and Julie ride down to the video store...
  21. Chapter 21: The Power is Out
    Julie and Malcolm watch the Matrix until the power goes out...
  22. Chapter 22: Beauty and the Beast
    Julie and Malcolm watch a movie, go for a bike ride, and then head off to a party!
  23. Chapter 23: Go to Hell
    Malcolm and Julie finish up at the party.
  24. Chapter 24: Challenge
    Julie and Malcolm eat toast and then go for a bike ride (on one bike <3)
  25. Chapter 25: I'll See You in Hell, Bitch!
    Malcolm races Luke and Julie gets swept up in the excitement (plus, Malcolm looks sex-ay in a motorcycle jacket)
  26. Chapter 26: Oh Jules
    Julie and her mother go shopping (but Malcolm does a couple curious things first)
  27. Chapter 27: Your Eyes
    Malcolm and Julie go off to a mystery destination (and get some talking done)
  28. Chapter 28: Bert, Pool, and Sex.
    Julie finds a new friend and then back at home, Malcolm challenges her to a round of billiards...
  29. Chapter 29: Car Rides and Weddings
    Malcolm lets Julie's dad drive his car and then Julie gets ready to go to the wedding.
  30. Chapter 30: Preventing Bad Elements
    There's dancing (lots of dancing) in this chapter.
  31. Chapter 31: Rooftop
    Julie and Malcolm return from the wedding...
  32. Chapter 32: Confessions in a Car
    Julie tries to keep her cool...
  33. Chapter 33: Confessions in Cars Part II
    Malcolm starts confessing a lot of things in this chapter.
  34. Chapter 34: Insomnia
    Malcolm drives Julie back to her house.
  35. Chapter 35: From Paris, With Love
    Julie wakes up and her judgment is clearer... *Please read author's note*