Status: **Fixing up grammar and format- hopefully will get struck with inspiration**

Love from, Hell

Chapter 15: A Hero Everyday

Julie heard the back door open and slam. She leapt up.

“Heather? Who’s here? I’ve got the ladder…” Julie heard her dad boom out from the back door.

Julie held a finger to her lips, warning her mom to keep quiet. Her mom grinned. Julie crept quickly to the back door and stepped out around the corner. “Hey dad!” she exclaimed.

Her tall, gray haired father looked up from his receipt in surprise. Julie felt another one of those waves of happiness.

“Jules! What are you doing here?” he asked grinning and gave Julie a bear hug.

“Didn’t mom tell you I was coming over for spring break?” Julie asked.

Her dad rolled his eyes at her but smiled. “I love the woman, but she’s as scatter-brained as they come,” he said.

Julie laughed. Her dad put his arm around her shoulders.

“How’d you get here Jules? Whose… um vehicle is that on the curb?” her dad asked as they walked into the kitchen.

Julie laughed again. Car wasn’t a good enough description for Malcolm’s ride in her dad’s opinion. They walked to the table. Julie watched her dad blink at Malcolm’s appearance.

Malcolm stood up. “It’s mine. Is it in the way?” he asked, sounding politely concerned.

Her father waved his hand. “No, no. It’s just… quite something,” her father said with a chuckle then extended one of his large hands.

“Ken Ennis,” he said. Julie had always liked how her dad’s first and last name flowed together like one word. Kennis, she used to giggle when she was younger.

Malcolm shook her dad’s hand. “Malcolm,” he replied

Julie’s dad sat down at the other end of the table heavily.

“What make is your car, Malcolm? I don’t recognize it at all,” her dad asked curiously.

Julie returned to her strudel. Her mother went to the kitchen again.

“It’s a Russian car. A 7 LX. I’m not totally sure of the year- my father gave it to me,” Malcolm said.

Julie looked up at Malcolm quickly. It surprised her that he mentioned parents. Julie couldn’t imagine the two people who had raised him.

“Well it looks spanking new. I’ve never seen anything like it,” Ken praised openly.

Malcolm smiled a little at the compliment. Of course, her dad didn’t even notice the way Malcolm turned devastatingly handsome when he smiled, but Julie certainly did.

Her mother came back to the table and handed her husband a plate of strudel. He touched her arm in thanks and scooped a large forkful of pastry in his mouth.

“Mm. Delish Heather,” he mumbled through his mouthful of food. Her dad quickly devoured the apple strudel, repeating the questions about school to Julie. When he’d finished he leaned back in the chair and stretched.

“Ahhh,” he sighed comfortably.

Julie peaked at Malcolm from the corner of her eyes. Malcolm was leaning on the table, his arms in front of him, studying the grain of the wood. He glanced up at her when he felt her looking. Julie got caught under that blue gaze.

“Damn crows!” Ken burst angrily.

Julie looked at her dad startled. Her father had stood and Julie was now aware that a loud cawing his coming from directly above them.

“That’s it; I’m doing something about them right now,” her father said decisively and stomped to the back door.

“Oh, Ken. Can’t you let one of the neighbors do it?” Heather fretted as she hurried after her husband.

Julie followed her parents outside and was aware that Malcolm was quietly following her.

Outside, her dad was at his small pick up. Their driveway extended all the way into their back yard. Her father heaved a long, aluminum ladder out of the back of the truck. Her mom put her hands on her hips as her father lugged the ladder over and leaned it against the side of the house.

“Really, you are going to break your neck,” Heather insisted loudly.

Ken extended the ladder to its fullest height. “Would you relax, please, Heather?” her dad grunted impatiently.

Julie stood beside her mom. “Careful dad,” she cautioned. Ken wasn't old, exactly, but he certainly wasn't young either.

Heather's hands fluttered nervously up to her face. She looked around quickly. “Malcolm!” she exclaimed, as though suddenly remembering his existence.

Malcolm looked at her, startled.

“Please, dear, my crazy husband’s going to hurt himself,” Sse said giving Malcolm a gentle push toward the ladder.

Julie watched, stunned, though not as stunned as Malcolm seemed, as he went over to her dad.

“I’ll go up,” Malcolm offered quietly, still looking surprised that he was being volunteered.

Ken paused then conceded. “Well... ok, son,” he allowed.

Malcolm carefully ascended the ladder.

Julie could hear her dad grumbling as he held on to the bottom. “Ridiculous… worry wart… I could take care of it…” Ken muttered.

Malcolm got up to the top of the ladder and leaned against the roof. Julie was sure her dad could have done this.

“Do you see the nest near the chimney?” Ken called up to Malcolm, pointing.

Malcolm looked over in the direction that was being pointed. “Yes. There’s a pretty big one,” he said back.

Ken walked away from the ladder, searching for something. Julie looked up at Malcolm and had to suppress a sudden laugh. Incredible, regal Malcolm was standing on a ladder, about to perform a chore for her parents. She smiled to herself.

Her dad returned with a long handled shovel. He stepped up on to the ladder and held the shovel up to Malcolm. Malcolm leaned back and took the shovel from him.

“K be careful. Try and swipe it off quickly.” Ken instructed.

Julie watched, getting nervous, as Malcolm agilely, but clearly apprehensively, climbed on to the roof. Julie was not so sure her dad could have done this as Malcolm carefully crouched low and approached the nest.

“Oh, be careful, Malcolm!” Heather called out loudly.

“Don’t distract him Heather,” Ken scolded back.

Malcolm’s focus was absolute and he took one steady swipe at the nest. A large shaggy crow came flying out of it straight into the air, croaking loudly. Julie’s mother watched the nest start to fall apart as it fell to the ground.

Julie did not take her eyes off Malcolm. She remembered that birds would attack animals- any animals, bears and wolves included- if they disturbed the nest. But the crow flew into the safety of a near by oak tree and continued to squawk. It avoided Malcolm completely.

He returned to the ladder and began to descend.

Julie’s mother clapped in celebration. “Thank God that’s over with. We’ll have to break those crow’s eggs and throw them out,” Heather said.

Ken took the shovel from Malcolm and clapped him once on the back. “Don’t tell my wife, but I’m not sure I could have scaled that roof,” he said to Malcolm as they approached.

Heather was distracted, hurrying over to the ruined nest. She gingerly picked it up with the shovel and dumped the mess of twigs into a garbage can, making sure to crack the eggs. She came over to Julie and Malcolm and her husband.

“You’re the hero of the day Malcolm!” she said with a laugh.

Julie looked at Malcolm and her heart fluttered when she saw Malcolm was already looking at her; he had a slightly sheepish expression on his face.

It seemed that Malcolm was a hero every day.