Status: **Fixing up grammar and format- hopefully will get struck with inspiration**

Love from, Hell

Chapter 22: Beauty and the Beast

Malcolm was there when she woke up.

The next morning, some cable guy type workers came to the neighborhood and fixed the blown out electrical box. Julie and Malcolm watched them work from the front bay window. By mid morning, they had fixed the box and the Matrix booted up on the TV and began playing where it had left off. Julie hurried upstairs to pause it and they decided that they would return to their movie after lunch.

Heather made turkey sandwiches for them and they sat down to eat. Julie wasn't sure what her parents' plans were tonight, but she figured she should tell her mother about the party.

"Um… mom? Malcolm and I are going to go a party tonight at Matt's house. If that's ok," she tacked on to the end. Although she was legally adult, she felt strange not asking for permission.

"Sure hon. You two have fun. Don't stay out too late," was all her mother said on the subject.

Usually her mother would have bombarded her with questions, demanding to know the slightest details- emphasizing the ones about Julie's safety. Julie noticed with a peculiar mix of chagrin and pleasure that at the mention of Malcolm going with her, all was fine and dandy. She was mostly glad, though, that her mother trusted Malcolm.

After lunch, Julie and Malcolm finished the movie in silence. Julie didn't like this, worried that today Malcolm would flip and revert back to stand off-ish and terrifying. But when she glanced at him, he merely seemed very absorbed in the movie. When it was over, Julie put the DVD back in its case.

"What do you think of American cinema so far?" Julie asked Malcolm.

Malcolm leaned back on the futon. "It's… unreal," he decided, using the word for its absolute literal meaning. "But very entertaining," he concluded.

Julie smiled. The backdoor opened and slammed.

"Hello!" Ken called out in greeting to the house.

"Hey dad," Julie replied.

Her dad came clumping up the stairs and poked his head into the room. "Hey Jules, Malcolm. What are you guys watching?" Ken asked.

"We just finished the Matrix," Julie said.

Her dad whistled and shook his head. "What a production, huh? What's next on the film festival line up?" Ken asked curiously.

Julie bit her lip, hiding her smile. "Beauty and the Beast," she said and looked up at her dad.

"You're going to make Malcolm watch Beauty and the Beast??" Ken asked incredulously.

Malcolm turned round in the futon to look at Ken then he looked back at Julie.

"It's a classic," Julie shrugged.

Her dad shook his head chuckling. "Well, all the power to you," he said and left the room, still chuckling.

Julie put in the Disney DVD and waited for the main menu to pop up.

"What's the problem with Beauty and the Beast?" Malcolm asked Julie quietly.

Julie glanced at Malcolm, feeling a little sheepish. "Well… it’s sort of a kids' film. But it really is a classic. It’s a great story," she assured him.

He nodded, not seeming to judge or care that it would be a kids' film.

They watched Beauty and the Beast, for the most part, in silence. Julie couldn't help but giggle at the clock and candelabra at the funny parts. Malcolm would look at her when she laughed, a curious expression on his face. Julie realized he was doing the same thing to her as she had done to him during the Matrix.

When the movie was over, Julie looked over at Malcolm to suggest When Harry Met Sally as the epitome of romantic comedy. But Malcolm's expression stopped her. He was frowning- confused and almost angry at either the TV or the DVD. It must have been the DVD, Julie reasoned. His face was just as handsome when he frowned, although even more intimidating.

"Are you alright?" Julie managed to ask concerned.

Malcolm didn't reply and leaned back in the futon, his face still beautifully pained.

"Do you want to take a break? Maybe… go for a bike ride?" Julie offered her only ace in the hole.

Malcolm looked away from the TV at Julie. His eyes were enigmatic. It was unfair, Julie realized, for a boy… man… whatever Malcolm was, to be so good-looking. He nodded to go for a bike ride, but clearly whatever was on his mind was still bothering him.

They biked in silence. Julie took him on a different route, through a nearby woodland park. Her bike was strictly a city bike so she stuck to the wood chip path. Kyle's mountain bike was well equipped for off road cycling. Julie would ride along the main path and Malcolm would explore the uneven terrain of the forested area, easily jumping over tree trucks and dodging rocks. Somehow he managed to stay perfectly parallel to Julie.

Julie kept biking further away from home. She and Malcolm had somehow agreed without communication that they wanted to go for a long ride. So she kept touring around the outskirts of the city. She rode along the top of the dam, the great lake-like reservoir to their left and the falls (that were currently off) on the other side. Malcolm sped back and forth along the pedestrian walk, looking at either side of the dam while cycling away from and then back to Julie.

After the dam, Julie and Malcolm rode through a rural part of the city. They were riding past an un-owned grassy field. No one had bought the property because it was too hilly for farming. Julie didn't know if it was private property, but she ducked off the road anyway and pushed her pedals harder through the grass. Malcolm quickly followed her.

Together, they biked over the hills. Julie liked to look at Malcolm when he went flying down a hill. For a fleeting moment he would look thrilled and excited. Though he didn't smile, Julie could still see his dark face light up as he ripped over the peak of a hill and went cascading down the other side. Julie would not have guessed that inside that calm and composed shell, Malcolm had the heart of adrenaline junkie.

When they reached the end of the field, Malcolm eagerly spun around and went cycling back over the hills. Julie grinned to herself and followed suit. After going back and forth a few more times, they biked back out on the road and headed back home.

Julie was standing in front of her closet, picking through her clothes. She was trying to find something to wear for the party. Malcolm was probably already dressed and downstairs, waiting placidly for her. All she had at her parents' house were her summer clothes- but since it was a party, the skimpier the better. Julie settled on some dark jeans and a slinky soft pink tank top. She felt uncomfortable at the thought of wearing so little clothing in front of her parents and threw on a light black jacket.

As she had predicted, Malcolm was sitting on the couch downstairs, watching the news with her dad. All he had done was change out of Kyle's clothes and into his own original ones. Julie's heart skipped a beat seeing him in his leather jacket again. Malcolm looked astounding in it.

"Hey Jules. You look…pretty," Ken decided.

Malcolm looked over at Julie. She tucked her hair self-consciously behind her ear.

"K well, we won't be out too late," Julie said.

Malcolm swiftly stood up and followed Julie to the front door.

"Be safe you two!" Heather called from the kitchen.

Julie quickly ducked outside and Malcolm shut the door behind them. He walked a small step behind her in the dark down the driveway.

"You don't mind if we don't take the bikes right?" Julie gently joked. She turned and looked at Malcolm.

He gave her his small smile and even in the dim light it left her breathless. "No. I don't mind," he said. Malcolm pulled the keys to his car out of his pocket and pressed a button. The car made no noise but the headlights flashed once brilliantly.

Julie paused before getting in. She heard about cars getting trashed and stolen at big parties and she wondered if anyone would have the guts to harm Malcolm's car. She honestly wasn't sure how he would react. Malcolm shut his car door softly and Julie quickly climbed in too.

The engine purred, happy to have Malcolm back. Julie gave him the directions to Matt's house- she'd gone to his graduation party. The party house would have been easy to spot though, since there were lots of cars parked near it and every light was on in the house. Malcolm pulled up alongside the curb on the other side of the street.

"How long do these parties usually last?" he asked Julie quietly as they crossed the street together.

"Um well all night I think. But we can leave whenever we want. We don't have to stay," Julie assured him quickly.

Malcolm nodded, not seeming to need the assuring. Julie walked up to the front door and paused. Should she ring the doorbell or just walk in? She opted to ring the doorbell.

Within moments, the door went flying open.

"OMG! Hey Julie!" exclaimed Andrea Bennett; she was wearing a much sluttier outfit than the one Julie had on.

Andrea had a plastic cup in her hand and literally pronounced every letter in the OMG. Julie smiled- Andrea Bennett was one of the popular type girls who were nice to everyone although she was only really friends with other popular people. Julie and Malcolm stepped inside.

Andrea gawked at Malcolm openly for a moment then grinned shakily. "Hi. I'm Andrea," she said breathlessly.

Malcolm smiled ever so slightly and shook her outstretched. Andrea blinked- stunned and grinning like an idiot.

Matt came galloping over then. "Andrea Beee! Who's at the door?" he shouted. Clearly he'd already had a few.

"Oh! Hey Julie! How's it going?" Matt said and smiled at Julie. He was tall and pretty good-looking in a hockey player kind of way.

"Hi Matt. I hope you don't mind me crashing your party," Julie said smiling.

"Oh hey not at all! Hi I'm Matt," Matt introduced himself to Malcolm.

Malcolm smiled a tiny smile again and shook Matt's hand. "Malcolm," he said.

Andrea nearly sighed as she ogled Malcolm. She looked at Julie behind Malcolm's back and mouthed the word 'gorgeous'. Julie smiled tensely. She was well aware.

"Here I'll take your guys' coats," Matt offered and handed his cup to Andrea.

Julie slid off her jacket and handed it to Matt. Malcolm raised his hand to indicate he was fine and would rather keep his jacket.

"Go ahead and grab a drink. Everyone's either upstairs or downstairs or in the backyard. Haha! They're all over. C'mon Andrea," Matt said and tugged Andrea away.

Andrea was still staring at Malcolm as Matt dragged her off to put the coats away. Julie started walking up the stairs to the main floor.

"Your father was right," said Malcolm's soft voice from directly behind her.

Julie turned her head to look at him. Malcolm looked at her.

"You look pretty," he explained.

Julie felt her cheeks turn pink and she instinctively smiled. "Thanks," she replied quietly. "You look pretty too," she added.

Malcolm turned his head toward her quickly and then, gloriously, smiled.

So Julie entered the main floor, grinning like an idiot. Everyone was laughing loudly in groups. A few people were dancing flamboyantly on the carpet- clearly not being serious about it. Julie led Malcolm into the kitchen and she picked out a Vex cooler from the well stocked fridge.

"What are you going to have tonight?" Julie asked Malcolm curiously.

He perused the selection quickly and then picked out a coke. Julie raised an eyebrow.

"I can't drink and drive. I'm supposed to make sure we're safe," Malcolm explained.

Julie smiled and Malcolm smiled back. She wandered back out to the main party wondering how long it would take for people to notice her. Malcolm they would notice right away and either would approach or back away depending on how brave they were.

"Julie?? OMG!" Connie, another popular girl came clicking over, closely followed by a few of her popular friends. Connie gave her a light girlish hug. She smelled like expensive perfume and vodka. "How are you??" she inquired, but almost immediately looked past her at Malcolm, the clear goal of her coming over to see Julie.

"I'm fine thanks. How are you?" Julie answered politely.

All of the girls, Connie included, were staring shamelessly at Malcolm.

"Oh I'm fantastic!" Connie said, tearing her eyes away from Malcolm to smile at Julie drunkenly.

Just then, Andrea came loping back into sight and giggled, bumping into her friends and looking back at Malcolm. "Isn't he the absolute most incredible thing you have ever seen??" she whispered loudly to her friend.

Julie glanced back at Malcolm. He was doing that thing where he seemed to not be aware; not noticing that there were five girls ogling him. He was really good- he'd mastered ignoring people to an absolute tee. Julie looked back at the girls and smiled thinly at them.

"Julie…" Connie tugged her away from Malcolm out of his ear shot.

Julie immediately felt uncomfortable being away from him.

"Are you with him?" Connie demanded in a curious whisper.

"Connieee what do you care? You're practically married," whispered one of her friends.

"Oh, Julie, I got engaged!" Connie boasted, distracted, and stuck her left hand in Julie's face. An impressive diamond was on her finger.

"Congratulations," Julie said.

Connie waved it away.

"But are you with that guy?" asked another friend. They all stared at Julie, waiting anxiously.

Julie was caught. "Um. No. We're just friends," she answered reluctantly.

The girls tittered and Julie swallowed. They began giggling breathlessly amongst themselves like they were thirteen. Julie, feeling awkward, returned to Malcolm.

He looked down at her and sipped his coke. "What's going on?" he asked over the rim of his can.

"Oh nothing. Connie got engaged," Julie told him casually with a shrug.

Malcolm gave her a funny look. Julie scratched her neck, looking away.
♠ ♠ ♠
Odd place to end it, sorry- but this whole chapter is loooong (and I personally don't like reading really long chapters on computer screens, lol, so I'll give you readers a break) but I will post more again a little later today.
(HAYLEY! Hi. Dude, you're reading my epically well written Twilight rip-off?? Hehe, don't judge me. Enjoy homez!)
