Status: **Fixing up grammar and format- hopefully will get struck with inspiration**

Love from, Hell

Chapter 24: Challenge

The next morning, Julie woke up early and tried very hard to go back to sleep. She didn't want to start a new day just yet. She wanted to remember everything from last night and revel in it- Malcolm's smile, his demanding questions, the feel of his hand on her back, his wild response to Josh. Julie wondered what today would bring, wondering if it could get more unbelievable.

Suddenly excited and far too tense to go back to sleep, Julie got up and went downstairs. She found Malcolm at the table, reading a book. She recognized the collection of 'politically correct fairy tales'- a novelty that Ken had bought Heather many years ago. Malcolm didn't look up at her when she entered the kitchen.

Julie pulled down a plate and popped some bread in the toaster. "Do… you want some toast?" she asked him, not looking up from the toaster.

"No thank you," Malcolm said quietly and turned a page of the book.

Julie spread some Nutella generously on her toast and then went and carefully sat at her chair. Malcolm's eyes were moving quickly. He was a fast reader.

"Um, have you seen my mom or dad this morning?" Julie asked and took a bite of her toast.

"Your father… went to work. And your mother… went out to breakfast with her friend Maureen," Malcolm replied and then turned another page.

Julie took another bite of her toast. She looked outside the sliding glass doors behind Malcolm. The day was cloudy and probably threatening to shower on them.

"What are you eating?"

Julie looked quickly at Malcolm, whose face looked mildly disgusted.

"Um Nutella," Julie said.

Malcolm frowned. "What… is Nutella?" he phrased carefully.

"It's like a chocolate spread," Julie described looking at the toast.

Malcolm's face smoothed and he returned to his book. Julie giggled- wondering what Malcolm had thought she had been eating. Malcolm looked around the book at her.

"Here, try a bite," Julie offered.

Malcolm looked sternly at her. "No. Thank you," he said.

Julie insistently held out the toast. Malcolm looked at her apprehensively. Julie nodded encouragingly. Malcolm, his eyes trained on Julie and giving her goose bumps, leaned forward and took a deliberate bite out of the toast. He chewed quickly and swallowed, his face assessing.

"So?" Julie asked.

Malcolm pulled his mouth up into a small half smile. Julie's heart beat erratically.

"Pretty good," he admitted.

Julie smiled at him and took a bit of her own toast, reserving the area around the missing corner that Malcolm had taken.

"Do you want a piece now?" Julie asked.

Malcolm paused, thinking about it. "No. Thank you," he said, a little more warmly this time. He returned to his book.

Julie finished her toast. She looked up at Malcolm watching him read and she began thinking. Something was seriously… not normal about him. It wasn't just stellar good looks. It was something else. Something intangible… but definitely important.

Julie chewed contemplatively on her toast. Malcolm turned another page of the book and 'hmm'ed in amusement at the last page. Julie swallowed her toast and stared at Malcolm- for once not ogling and this time trying to assess. Maybe there was a reason for him being here. Julie dismissed the CIA agent theory. It was too stupid and unlikely. Malcolm was definitely not the type. Even secret agents had seen the Matrix and eaten jujubes. So that raised the question: what type of person hadn't seen the Matrix, never eaten jujubes… and had never ridden a bike? Julie squirmed uncomfortably. She wanted very much to know, to solve the mystery, but she wasn't sure how to go about it.

Malcolm turned another page. Perhaps Malcolm had been abused as a child… and then given a fantastic sports car to make up for it? Not likely. Maybe Malcolm came from a part of the world where they didn't have American cinema and jujubes and bikes. But the car was throwing Julie off, since developing countries didn’t have flashy cars either. Suddenly Julie wondered if Malcolm had stolen the car. She wouldn't put it past him… although he seemed somewhat respectable. However, he had run over two men and then assaulted a third just last night. Malcolm 'hmm'ed again at another part of a story. Julie shook her head a little to herself. Whatever it was, she would have to let it rest for now.

After breakfast, Julie got dressed and then returned downstairs. Malcolm was looking through another book- a dusty biography of Bill Clinton. Julie looked out the kitchen window, fidgeting with zipper on her sweater.


Julie turned to Malcolm, stopping her zipping.

"Could we go for a bike ride?" Malcolm asked, still holding the Bill Clinton biography.

Julie grinned. "Sure," she said.

Malcolm put down the book and strode quickly after her as she went out the back door. She looked the door behind her and then went down to the shed. Malcolm had already removed his bike. Julie hurried to grab her bike, but Malcolm caught her arm. He had a strong grip.

"Ride on the handlebars," he insisted.

Julie paused, blinking. "Are you sure?" she said.

Malcolm nodded and released her. Julie willingly hoped up on his handlebars and leaned back against Malcolm. He took off down the driveway. He was speeding and Julie gripped the handlebars, the wind ripping through her hair.

In almost no time, Malcolm was in the outskirts of town. Julie wasn't sure where he was going until she saw the hilly field up ahead. She glanced, panicky but still excited at Malcolm. His face was focused as he coasted easily into the field. Julie gripped the handlebars as he pedaled up to the top of a hill. Malcolm had reached the peak. Julie squeezed her eyes shut and let out a shriek when they went flying down the other side. She opened her eyes, adrenaline pumping like crazy through her body. Malcolm was ascending another hill. Julie waited until they were at the very top and then, daringly and stupidly, flung her arms out.

"Whooo!!" she called as they went soaring down the other side.

Malcolm laughed his echo-y laugh and Julie flushed. He pedaled even faster toward another, larger hill. Julie's hands snapped down and gripped the handle bars. At the top of the peak Julie squeezed her eyes shut.

Malcolm grabbed her wrists and held them out like wings. Julie's eyes shot open in surprise, electric attraction flowing through his hands and into her arms as they went flying down the hill. Julie could barely breathe as the wind whipped through her hair and Malcolm laughed in her ear, riding recklessly with no hands on the handlebars… since his hands were holding hers.

After a few more rounds of hill flying, Malcolm holding Julie's hands at random times, he coasted out of the field and rode smoothly down the road, back toward town.

Julie's heart was racing and she couldn't get rid of the grin on her face. A combination of attraction laced adrenaline made her breathing heavy, but she enjoyed it, relishing every fantastic deep breath as the wind whipped in her face.

She recognized the route Malcolm was taking now. He was headed to the skate park. Julie didn't particularly like the fact that she'd be away from Malcolm once they reached there, but she did enjoy watching him practice his tricks- his face alight and absorbed. As they approached the skate park, Julie could see there was a larger crowd today. Adding to Malcolm's young admirers was a group of older teenagers- seniors in high school or just about that age. There was a clear leader, a tall skinny boy with unnaturally black hair and nose ring, and he was cackling with his friends, mostly boys and a few punk girls. Malcolm didn't pay them any attention.

He cycled into the skate park and paused. Julie started her awkward descent off the handlebars but stopped when Malcolm's firm grip held her wrist. She looked back at him just as began to release her again.

He gave her a crooked grin. "Not safe," he explained his letting go.

Julie smiled a little shakily, mesmerized by his beautiful crooked grin. Malcolm waited for Julie to get off, but she did not and he looked at her inquisitively. His blue eyes turned from curious to intense and Julie felt herself melting even more.

A loud crack of a bike on wood shook Julie out of her trance. She looked over at the group of laughing boys, one examining his bike carefully. Julie looked back at Malcolm who was watching her inquisitively again.

"Oh," Julie mumbled and climbed off the bike.

Malcolm gave Julie a quick smile then took off down the pipe. Julie went and sat cross legged on the ground, leaning against the fence that surrounded the park. She looked up at the sky; the clouds were quite gray but the air was still dry. Her gaze returned to Malcolm as he was immediately welcomed by his young fans and they began riding together. Julie smiled to herself and stuck her hands in her sweater pockets. Malcolm quickly turned on to his own invented tricks. The boys practiced a couple of tricks he had taught him last time.

"Wow! He is really good!"

Julie turned her head. One of the girls in the older group was watching Malcolm with a look of fawning admiration. The other girls turned and gasped at him too and began whispering amongst themselves. Julie pursed her lips to one side. She had a pretty good idea of what they whispering about.

The leader of the group turned to look at Malcolm.

"Ahh. Fuckin' show off. He's not that good," he dismissed loudly.

The girls raised their eyebrows. A few of Malcolm's fans paused at the top of half pipe, glaring at the older boy.

"Sure Luke," The girls said, rolling their heavily lined eyes.

The guy, Luke, shot the girls a fleeting glare then turned back to his friends, a frown still on his face.

"He is way better than you!" The girls exclaimed.

Malcolm was sliding down on his front wheel. A few of the older boys looked away from Luke at Malcolm.

"Shit! Wow he is good," proclaimed one boy.

Luke glared at Malcolm. "Fuck he is not. It just looks hard. Look at that douche- that's all fuckin easy ass shit," he swore violently.

Malcolm's admirers shot looks of hatred at the older boy.

"No man. He's legit good," said another older boy.

Luke huffed. "Are you fuckin kidding me? I could trick circles around that show off bastard! He fuckin sucks balls," he exploded.

"He does not, you asshole!" The eldest of the Malcolm's boys defended- the same boy, Julie recognized, that had first asked Malcolm to teach them tricks.

Only after the outburst of defense did Malcolm look up and pay attention.

"What do you ass wipe kids know?? You're stuck so far up your fuckin fagot hero's ass you don't even see it," Luke barked back.

Malcolm coasted to the top of the pipe and looked darkly over at Luke.

"Do you have a problem?" Malcolm asked seriously.

The air chilled as his voice rang, sharp and commanding. Julie looked back at the group, hiding her amusement and wondering what they would do next. The girls ogled and the boys shut their mouths. Luke, however, bravely as well as stupidly responded.

"Yeah I do. And it's you, homo. You're fuckin showin' off for your little fagot boys. I don't like show offs," Luke's voice cracked with puberty.

Julie looked at Malcolm.

"I'm sorry you're an ignorant homophobic. Now, leave us alone," Malcolm said definitively.

He rode his bike back down the pipe, ending the conversation. The older boys turned away and the girls continued to stare at Malcolm's handsomeness.

"Perverts like you should go straight to Hell," Luke shouted at Malcolm.

For some reason, Malcolm chose to get off the bike and stride powerfully up the pipe and straight over to the group. The older boys and girls parted like the red sea so that Malcolm could face Luke. Julie stood up awkwardly, alarmed.

"What did you say?" Malcolm asked very softly.

Luke swallowed, but he glared up at Malcolm. "You're a fuckin pervert and you're going to fuckin Hell," he repeated.

Malcolm stepped even closer to Luke and leaned down so that their faces were inches apart. Julie began to hurry over to the group, awkwardly running down the half pipe.

"Ok. Now, tell me, Luke, what would you know about Hell?" Malcolm asked him, his voice a livid whisper.

The young boys flocked behind Julie as she carefully approached Malcolm. Luke's face was frozen in his glare but his eyes were darting every which way as Malcolm stared down at him relentlessly.

"What the fuck, man?" Luke managed to get out in a rush of breath.

"I asked you a question, Luke. You claim that I am going to Hell, so you must have some sort of convoluted idea of what it is. So tell me. What. Would you know. About. Hell?" Malcolm demanded through his teeth, his voice coated in velvet malice.

Luke looked about ready to piss himself.

Julie, timidly, reached forward and touched Malcolm's elbow. At the brush of Julie's hand, Malcolm straightened up, his face smoothing into an ice cold, emotionless stare. He took a quick sweep of the group, every member of which were goggling at him, then he turned away.

"I'm sorry," he said very softly so only Julie could hear. But his eyes were unapologetic.

Julie cautiously held on to his elbow and they began to walk away. Julie stared at Malcolm.

"You're a pussy anyway," said Lucas from behind them.

There was a collective hiss of dissuasion from his friends, begging him to leave Malcolm alone. Malcolm ignored him.

"Don't, er, pretend you didn't fuckin hear me," Luke continued.

Malcolm kept walking with Julie.

"Hey! I'm talking to you, you fuckin poser!" Luke bellowed on.

"What the Hell is your problem man? He isn't a poser," piped up Malcolm's fan.

Julie stopped and looked back over her shoulder. Malcolm glanced down at Julie then turned back to look too.

Luke looked down at the boy and made a face. "What would you know, kid?" he dismissed and then turned away.

"I know that he's way better at biking then you. We've seen you around. You're the pussy," the boy continued. Julie had to admire his guts- he didn't sound intimidated by the older youth at all.

Luke glared at the boy. "Oh yeah? Well what's he doing on a fuckin bicycle? Why isn't he on a dirt bike?" he demanded.

Julie swallowed.

"He could if he wanted to! He's got way more skills then you," the boy went on. His friends nodded, glaring at Luke.

Luke barked a laugh and crossed his arms and looked at Malcolm. Although Luke's stance was casual, his arms fidgeted and his eyes were fearful.

"Are you telling me, that your punk ass hero could whip me at dirt biking?" Luke laughed at the boys. Now, Luke's friends grinned confidently.

"He could whip your ass and send you home crying," The boy retorted easily and crossed his own arms.

"That so? Well, punk ass, meet me down at the dam in 2 hours. We'll see who's got the skills," Luke challenged directly.

Malcolm stared coldly at Luke. "Are you serious?" he finally demanded, questioning Luke's mental competence and maturity. Julie would not have liked to have been on the receiving end of that criticism.

Luke's friends cringed, obviously not enjoying it. Luke blinked and crossed his arms tighter. "I'm fuckin dead serious. Unless you're scared," he tried to bait Malcolm, swallowing convulsively.

Malcolm suddenly smiled easily, but the smile was evil. "I'm not scared," he informed him of the fact, although he was not conceding to the challenge.

Luke glanced at Julie. Julie looked away at the ground then at her hand on Malcolm's elbow and then up at Malcolm's face.

"Your slut there is pretty cute. Maybe once I kick your ass, she'll come hang out with me," Luke tried, smiling thinly at Julie. Julie frowned at him, a little disgusted.

Malcolm's smile disappeared.

"C'mon. Don't be a pussy," Luke said quietly, his eyes blinking rapidly.

"He'll do it! He's going to fucking kill you," The boy accepted aggressively.

Luke raised his eyebrows at the boy and then looked at Malcolm. Malcolm's fans looked at him.

Malcolm glanced at them coldly for a split moment then he looked back at Luke. "Fine," he accepted finally, his voice like ice.

Julie jerked her head up at Malcolm, surprised. Malcolm didn’t look at her.

Luke grinned, but shifted his weight anxiously from foot to foot. "I'll meet you at the dam in two hours, ass wipe," he said then turned awkwardly away and his group quickly swallowed him up, hissing at him as they walked away.

Malcolm turned and began walking toward his bike. Julie continued to look up at Malcolm. Malcolm's boys came over to him.

"Hey… sir. You're going to be awesome. You can totally whip that guy. Trust me, he sucks," the oldest boy said. The others chuckled at him calling Malcolm sir.

"What's your name?" Malcolm demanded.

"Jordan," said the boy, Jordan.

Julie tapped Malcolm's arm, trying to get his attention. Malcolm ignored her.

"What made you think that I wanted to race?" Malcolm demanded of Jordan.

Jordan faltered but then looked up. "Because you fucking rock," he said simply. The other boys 'hmm'ed in agreement.

Malcolm looked away, unsatisfied with this answer.

"We'll see you at the dam in 2 hours," Jordan told Malcolm. The boys nodded in encouragement.

Malcolm simply walked away with Julie at his arm.

When they were out of ear shot of everyone, Julie spoke up. "Are you really going to race that retard?" she wanted to know.

Malcolm smiled a little at her calling Luke a retard. Julie raised her eyebrows, waiting for an answer. They reached the other side of the half pipe and walked toward the bike.

"It would be another experience," Malcolm said, quoting Julie back to her.

Julie shook her head. "But, Malcolm-" she began, but Malcolm interrupted her.

"Just tell me one thing Julie…" he said.

Julie automatically waited, feeling a flutter in her stomach when he said her name.

"Is riding a dirt bike much different from riding a mountain bike?"
♠ ♠ ♠
Mmmmm. I'm still not happy with the way that encounter between Malcolm and Luke went down. Like, Malcolm's reactions and stuff... I dunno. What do you guys think??

Also, I've gotten a couple curious questions, wondering if I'm going to write a chapter in Malcolm's point of view - I'm not writing this story as I go (right now), I'm posting chapters from a long, unfinished story that I've already previously written, and most of the story is from Julie's point of view. However, as the story unfolds, we will learn a lot more about Malcolm through Julie's eyes (I promise, he doesn't stay closed off and brooding the entire time). Worry not! There will be more access and insight into Malcolm's brain and emotions =]

Anyway, I'm hoping to get some feedback and opinions as we get closer to the part I'm stuck on as to where you (as the reader) would like me to go next. I have a climax and ending in mind (lol, I'm totally lost), but I am having some writer's block. Your guys' encouragement will, hopefully, get me out of my slump <3

But we've got a lot more of the story to get through first! =]
(I will keep in mind, though, when I try to start writing it again, that you'd like to hear more from Malcolm's POV)