Status: **Fixing up grammar and format- hopefully will get struck with inspiration**

Love from, Hell

Chapter 6: Armour

How to get out, how to get out, Julie wondered frantically. Being alone in the bathroom made her realize that she was stuck. She couldn’t just pick up and leave. This Malcolm had saved her life. Then again she couldn’t stay here since he hated her and she was terrified of him.

Suddenly, the sliding door opened, startling Julie. Of course Malcolm was tall- with a long, lean body that moved silently without a trace of self consciousness.

“Are you hungry?” he asked.

Julie felt her face flush. “A little,” she lied. Food was the last thing on her mind.

“Come on,” he said and walked to the main door and opened it. He stepped out into the hallway.

Julie quickly followed. Malcolm ignored the elevator and descended the stairs. Julie hurried to keep up with him, but couldn’t seem to match his pace. In no time it seemed they were on the ground floor and Malcolm was out on the parking lot in front of the motel. Julie scurried after him. Malcolm didn’t pause at his car and stepped in. Julie didn’t falter either and quickly climbed in. Malcolm keyed up the engine and smoothly exited the parking lot.

Malcolm drove exactly at the speed limit. Julie wondered if the impossibly smooth ride was the car or his driving and decided it was a combination of the two.

“What, um, kind of car is this?” Julie dared.

“Foreign,” Malcolm replied un-cooperatively.

“I gathered that,” Julie said a hint of gentle sarcasm in her voice.

Malcolm quickly glanced at her unnervingly. Julie fell silent and scared again.

“… It’s a Russian car. It runs on highly efficient fuel not legal in the US. I only have to fill up the tank every few months,” Malcolm said.

Julie flushed at all the words said by that amazing voice and tried not to smile irrationally. Even though he could very well be lying, Julie liked Malcolm’s answer.

“How did you acquire it?” she asked quietly, curious for this answer.

But there was none as Malcolm disregarded both her question as well as her entirely. Julie fell silent again.

Malcolm pulled up to a diner and parked right in front, Julie followed him out of the car and into the restaurant. An understandably flustered young hostess showed Malcolm and Julie to a booth. Malcolm paused in a silent moment of manners and waited for Julie to sit first. She sat and stared at him as he slid fluidly into the seat across from her.

There was no need for an awkward silence. A few seconds later a surly waiter appeared.

“What can I get you today?” he asked.

Malcolm looked at Julie.

“Oh. Um." She opened her menu. “Can I have the Early Eggs and toast?” she picked out quickly.

“And to drink?” the waiter asked, sounding bored.

“Just water, thanks,” she said.

The waiter looked at Malcolm, blinked twice at his appearance, but bravely didn’t change his demeanor.

“I’ll have water as well,” Malcolm said with a subtle finality.

The waiter nodded, took the menus and left.

They sat silently for four minutes. Malcolm looked past Julie’s shoulder and seemed to be in another world. Julie self consciously picked around at the table- at the napkins and the sugar packets.

“What are you doing?” Malcolm questioned.

Julie looked up startled then looked at what she was absent mindedly doing and flushed red. His arm had been resting on the table and she had lined little cups of creamer all along it.

“Um… making armor?” she offered lamely.

Malcolm paused for a moment and then, for one glorious second, his perfect lips drew up into an amused smile. Julie was blown away. The smallest of smiles and she was stunningly attracted and openly awed by how forwardly handsome he looked.

The waiter returned with their orders and Malcolm became expressionless. The waiter placed Julie’s plate in front of her and set down the two glasses of water. The meal didn’t look half bad.

Julie very consciously poked her food around her plate and stole glances up at Malcolm when she raised her fork. More often than not, he was sitting still looking down at the table- though occasionally she would catch him putting down his water glass.

“So… you don’t eat or sleep?” Julie asked out loud then quickly popped some eggs in her mouth, feeling like an idiot when Malcolm looked at her with his intense eyes.

“Not hungry or tired,” he replied.

Julie detected a hint of dry wit under his guarded demeanor. “You’re not a vampire are you?” she teased... but then swallowed nervously against her more rational judgement.

Malcolm smiled a little, amused. Julie’s heart stopped at the same time as blood impossibly rushed to her face.

“No,” he answered simply, his smile still on his face.

Julie wanted to keep this going- even if for just these distant, monosyllabic answers. “So then what are you?” she asked.

Malcolm’s face become stone and Julie instantly regretted saying anything.

“No one,” Malcolm said.

Julie stayed completely silent for the rest of the meal.
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HmmMmm. I think, given the vampire-obsessed times we're living in, I would be worried/excited that Malcolm was a vampire too hehe.
Oh, his Russian car? Yeah, I dunno lol. Just made that alll up. Sounds cool though, eh?

~.~comment please!~.~.~